Friday, June 15, 2012




1. Empat, 4 atau 'four' dalam bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa-bahasa daerah di China bererti mati, 'si' atau 'dead'. Itulah sebabnya bila berlakunya demonstrasi di Beijing dielakkan dari dimulai pada 6 April atau 6/4 atau "Lak Si' atau 'pukul mati' atau 'pukul sampai mati', tetapi ianya diikuti dengan tindakan kerajaan China pada 4 June atau 4/6 atau 'Si Lak' yang bererti 'Mati Dipukul' atau 'Mati Kena Pukul'.. Ratusan ribu rakyat China yang berdemonstrasi pada waktu itu telah mati dibunuh samaada kerana dipukul atau ditembak sehingga mati.

2. Takkanlah di Malaysia rakyatnya hendakkan kejadian seperti itu berlaku. Kerajaan pimpinan Melayu tidaklah sekejam itu.

3. Sebelum matinya 'bersih', atau Bersih 4 yang bererti 'Bersih Mati', dan penuh muka-surat media cetak dan eloktronik dikotori dengan 'bersih', kerana banyak longgokan laporan perjalanan mahkamah mengenainya, yang mengambil alih perjalanan kes-kes sodomi, yang membosankan, yang membuat sodomi jadi popular, elok juga kita dahulukan dengan 'talqin sebelum mati' supaya siapa pun akan mengetahui sejarah yang membawa kepada sifat kurang sopan yang ditunjukkan oleh pelaku demonstrasi 'bersih' khususnya tokoh-tokoh yang disokong oleh para demonstran 'bersih' itu.

4. Bila saya bertanya pada seorang anak kenalan saya, yang wataknya saya perhatikan ada potensi melakukan kecurangan terhadap masyarakat, berasaskan sikap menunjuk-nunjuk sombong beraninya yang tidak berketentuan terhadap sasaran, maka dia menjawab, 'Tak mengapa, kita ada Karpal.' Bila saya tanya atas kemungkinan Karpal tidak ambil kes yang tidak mahal nilainya dan tidak tinggi tahap sensasi dan publisitinya anak rakan saya menjawab 'Tak apa, ada banyak profesyenal lain terdiri dari peguam-peguam pesara kerajaan,' yang akan membela siapa saja jika bayarannya lumayan.

5. Dalam 'pre-emptive talqin' ini saya akan coba menurunkan pandangan saya atas punca berlakunya DETIPAN atau 'Demonstrasi Tidak Sopan' jika kita tiru cara orang Indonesia menamakan sesuatu perkara, jawatan atau kejadian. Saingan atau guru kita dalam bidang berdemonstrasi dan kebebasan bolehlah kita contohi Indonesia kerana di sana ukuran majunya demokrasi dan kebebasan itu, mengikut pendapat sesetengah tokoh yang saya kenal di Jakarta,  ialah dengan adanya banyak demontrasi.

6. Itulah sebabnya tidak ada demokrasi di negara yang maju dan aman kerana tidak sering berdemonstrasi. Malahan negara 'Greece', di mana bermulanya demokrasi, pun sudah muflis kerana tidak ada demonstrasi. Sekarang rakyat negara Greece perlu berdemonstrasi untuk memulihkan ekonominya. Dengan itu para demonstran dapat memulihkan ekonomi Greece kerana demonstrasilah, dan bukan rancangan pembangunan negara, yang akan membangunkan ekonomi Greece.

7. Mungkin itulah sebabnya ada peniaga yang menempatkan gerainya di depan rumah Ambiga, sebagai tanda terima kasih, kerana dengan berdemonstrasi, yang dipimpin oleh Ambiga, banyak pelabur yang akan datang ke negara kita sehingga ekonomi negara kita akan bertambah baik. Begitu juga ekonomi penjual burger.

8. Jika orang bertanya kepada saya di manakah puncanya penyakit 'bersih' ini, maka jawapannya ialah 'Kerana Orang Tidak Takut, Segan dan Hormat' lagi pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu.

9. Begitulah mulanya. 

10. 'Entry' atau masukan blog mengenai 'bersih' ini saya turunkan dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana ramai juga Mat Salleh yang kenal saya, termasuk yang tinggal di sekitar Samudera Atlantic dan Pacific yang bertanya 'What Is Happening? Why Is Clean So Dirty'. Begitulah bunyi smsnya.

11. Tetapi, tak bolehlah saya tulis bahagian pengenalan ini dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana saya juga Melayu dan malu apabila kepimpinan bangsa saya tidak dipedulikan orang lain.

MR CLEAN TOOK OVER  ('clean' means 'bersih' in Malay)

12. Tun Dr. Mahathir resigned from his post as Prime Minister of Malaysia on 31st October, 2003 after which Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi succeeded him to become the 5th Prime Minister. Tun Abdullah was called 'Mr. Clean' or 'Encik Bersih' if literally translated.

13. As Tun Dr. Mahathir willingly took away with him, deservingly or not, all the remaining blames and the causes of criticisms and unhappiness against the The Alliance and subsequently the BN or Barisan Nasional (National Front) government, up to the end of his period, Tun Abdullah sought a new mandate to govern by calling for a general election, in a vibrant mood.


14. With beautiful slogans and media pronouncements of hope Mr. Clean or 'Encik Bersih' won the 11th General Election with thumping victory. Besides retaining the 2/3 majority it was said to be the best performance for the BN or Barisan Nasional party since the 1969 General Election.

15. The election held in 2004 was the 11th General Election.


16. The frustrated Pakatan Rakyat opposition party, after being thrashed in the 2004 11th General Election had then to plan for the next election, i.e. the 12th General Election in 2008.

17. As Mr. Clean won gloriously in the 11th General Election, the only way to defeat the BN in the 12th General Election is to turn, if not Mr. Clean to be dirty, then the BN government, particularly the important departments, to be shown as being 'dirty'. The Election Commission was chosen in the hope that by discrediting the election commission, as not being clean or 'Bersih', then the legitimacy of the elected government is questionable.


18. As the BN's victory of 2004 was a result, not of the ability or performance but of the 'clean' or 'bersih' image and perception of the Prime Minister, the word 'clean' or 'bersih' itself became the target of the opposition and must then be turned or reversed against the government. But as Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's government, within a period of 2 years, was making a lot of mistakes and was steadily becoming unpopular, and even those who earlier voted for the BN were prone to take part in any demonstration against the government, in order to show their displeasure, without really caring for the theme of the rally..

19. It was reported that the boys on the 4th Floor, of the Prime Minister's office in Putrajaya, were so dominating that, being intellectuals, they forgot or maybe confused of what Machiavelli preached that it is 'better to be feared than to be loved' which  they must have misunderstood to mean 'better to be 'hated rather than feared.' The relevant members of the public hated and not feared the 4th Floor boys. This hatred showed its effect in subsequent election.

20. In preparation for the 2008 12th General Election the opposition found a suitable candidate in Dato' Ambiga to provide the leadership for a protest against the government of the day. Being an unmarried Indian legal activist, she has the brain, the time and enough dissatisfaction with her lonely, single and childless life, as to be the most suitable choice. Her rebellious spirit was provided with a cause which would bring the yet not so welknown Ambiga to international fame. Why not?

21. Dato' Ambiga was tasked to fight for something clean to show that the government, particularly Tun Abdullah's government, was not a clean government but a dirty government after all, despite Tun Abdullah being crowned as 'Mr. Clean'. The issues must be chosen which could be popularised among the voters.

22. Joseph Stalin once said that in an election 'It's not the people who vote that count; it's the people who counts the votes'. Was it Stalin again who said something like 'winning a court case depends on the judge you choose.' Others might think that justice depends on how much money you have.

23. It was probably with this background that the Election Commission was accused of mismanaging the election, probably counting wrongly or meddling with the list of voters.

24. It must be shown that the defeat of the Pakatan Rakyat in 2004  was not because of the voters' wisdom in choosing a BN government but because of the dirty Election Commission under the leadership of 'Mr. Bersih'. This accusation is of course sheer rubbish as, whatever be wanting in the Prime Minister, he was certainly bersih in the case of not  having the guts to interfere with the work of the Election Commission.

25. At this juncture, despite all the mistakes committed by the BN governments the Pakatan Rakyat believed that the BN would still win the coming 2008 12th General Election.

26. Or more than that. The struggle for the takeover of Putrajaya should be intensified.

27. A demonstration has therefore to be staged to prove that when the Pakatan Rakyat eventually loses the coming 12th General Election, after badly losing the 11th, then there is a ready predictable reason: because  of the dirty practices of the Election Commission. In that case more demonstrations can be organised maybe up to the level of the Arab Spring whereby the government is overthrown, possibly with foreign support or even intervention.

28. The conclusion was that the dirty Election Commission need to be BERSIH or diBERSIHkan. Therefore the BERSIH 1 rally was staged.


29. On 23 November, 2006, about 2 years after the Pakatan Rakyat's defeat in the 2004 11th General Election, a 'Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections' or 'Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil or Bersih' was formed.

30. The aim of this NGO was to organise a demonstration and make the following demands:

30.1. Clean up of the electoral roll

30.2. Use of indelible ink

30.3. Abolition of postal voting for military and police personnel

30.4. Free and fair access to mass media for all parties

31. The first demonstration was held on 10th November, 2007, about three years after the defeat of the opposition in the 11th General Election. An estimate of about 100,000 to 400,000 participants turned out, the figure depends on who was good at counting ( as Stalin said ).

32. Looking at the words elections, adil, electoral roll, voting, mass media and parties (political) as marked red above it is obvious that the opposition, particularly the Anwar's family led Parti Keadilan Rakyat, was expecting an unfavourable result in the coming 12th General Election and planned to put the blame on non-Bersih election machinery.

33. It was obvious that this 10th November, 2007 demonstration had massive participation as the Prime Minister Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (now a Tun) at that time was growing increasingly unpopular by the day.

34. It then became a multi-purpose rally and not merely an attack on the Election Commission.

35. Three professionals comprising of 2 doctors and an accountant stayed at a guest-house in Bangsar and informed the manager that they came to participate from as far away as Alor Setar, to protest over nothing related to the election. A protest anyway. Even the known pro-government NGOs were participating in the Ambiga-led rally.


36. It was Dato' Seri Abdullah's and his unacceptable family records which brought down the BN in 4 states plus the Federal Territory in the 12th General Election in 2008. Even traditional Barisan National supporters and substantial number of UMNO members voted for the opposition. This is a known fact.

37. In expectation of a poor performance, in the forthcoming 12th General Election, Parti Keadilan Rakyat did not field quality cadidates. That is why they find it difficult to position their elected representatives into office where they took over the state governments.

38. These winnings by Pakatan Rakyat was an unexpected, but pleasant, surprise for Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim but it is also unfortunate for him that it nullified the implication of the predicted unfair election as projected the previous year in the Bersih 1 rally.

39. In such a case, if the logic of the Bersih 1 rally was to be accepted than the election was rigged in favour of the opposition. It should then be the ruling Barisan National who should demonstrate against the supposedly unclean Election Commission.

40. All the logic and conclusions ignore the fact that it was the people who voted and that it is not possible for the Election Commission to favour any side, without being known, as not all members of the election machinery are government supporters.

41. Such accusation in the demands of Bersih 1 rally would have also meant that Pakatan Rakyat was unfairly, wrongly and dirtily voted into the richer states where they won.


42. However, writers for the opposition, and biased analysts, even those who have been grudging against the state, federal, Alliance and Barisan National governments would like to believe that the Pakatan Rakyat's reform was taking effect, but the Pakatan Rakyat's leaders and the other veterans know better. Many books have been written bringing out the dirts found in the government. Similar books could also be written by government supporters against personalities in the opposition. inclusive of those who have spent some time in high office in the higher echelon in the government. The more such books the merrier.

43. These writers and critics are actually against anything dominated by the Malays and the indeginuous Bumiputras just like the Red Indians were gruding against the domination of the European immigrants in their country; and the Scots are grudging against the English dominating Great Britain. Except that in the case of Malaysia the dominating Bumiputras are not of immigrant desent.

44. Our monarchy, as in my last blog entry, will always be Malays. It is the symbol of 'Ketuanan Melayu' This monarchy is protected by the constitution which is in turn interpreted, confirmed and defended by the Judiciary. The police is responsible for internal security of the country and the army of the armed forces are ensuring that the country is safe from external threats. The state and federal civil services run the country with the customs and Income Tax Department funding the government machinery. These institutions are dominated by the Malays and Bumiputras.

45. It is little wonder that such issue as the Sultan of Johoore's car plate number WWW 1 was raised as an effort to demoralise the monarchy; section 153 of the constitution is regarded as evidence of injustice; attempts are made to discredit the judiciary by such attempts as to disqualify the judges from hearing any court case; the police is accused of being brutal when trying to keep peace at any demonstation; questions are raised on purchases of sub-marines by the navy; the election commission, as part of the civil service, is continuously attacked by the 2As (Anwar and Ambiga).

46. How does one destroy this so-called uneconomical 'Malay Dominance'. No one can but the Malays themselves. The Malays must be used to destroy the Malays as you can only cut a diamond with another diamond.

47. There are two weaknesses in the Malay psychy which could be the cause for Malay disunity. These are 'amok' and 'latah'. I read a book, but was short of money to buy at that time, at Foyles book-shop in London which describes 'latah'. A University Malaya professor, I have forgotten his name, once informed an audience that the only other ethnic race in the world that has the 'latah' instinct is the Eskimo in Greenland. As to 'amok' we are similar to the Koreans who do 'amok' when their 'kibun' or pride is effected.

48. Short of a better definition I would say that a Malay can be provoked into 'latah', if he carries that habit, and forget the harm it can cause on himself or herself. In Greenland many Eskimos were said to have jumped into the holes in the ice platform when they get into a trance and loses their fear of the danger that can be caused on themselves. There was a case in South Korea some time ago when a young pilot just flew an aeroplane into China for no good reason. That was the 'amok' phenomena.  

49. While 'latah' can cause harm on oneself, 'amok' can harm others. We do read in history that individual Malay heroes went on their own to kill a British officers or soldiers knowning full well the end would be their own death. This degree of heroism is tempered by the 'amok' spirit.

50. On a political level 'latah' can be disseminated by great oratory and if done professionally can lead to 'amok' which in turn leads to the destruction of the Malays themselves. A 'latah' individual will forget his or her own security and a person in 'amok' spirit can cause harm on others.

51. You can see 'latah' and 'amok' in the dirty 'bersih' fiasco during the demonstration. It is these two qualities, if expertly manupulated by ambitious personalities, who are blinded by their own grudges and ambitions, which can be used by others, who would like to destroy Malay dominance, as potentials for the recruitment of cndidates in their battle. 

52. The hatred that has been generated against the Alliance and Barisan National governments is cumulative. One cannot accumulate health but can accumulate diseases.

53. It is impossible and unhuman for any government in the world, that has ruled for over many years, not to have made mistakes, big and small. Even in a family of 5 you will see mistakes made by parents and children as we are not perfect human beings.


54. I would like to remind readers what I have narrated in my previous blog entry entitled 'ANONYMOUS'. The Thai Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj was the Prime Minister of Thailand from 14 March 1975 - 20 April 1976. He was heavily criticised for many decisions that he made. His brother defeated him for the post. When he was reelected the press asked him for what programmes he would undertake now that he is Prime Minister again. He said, 'I will do nothing.' 'Why?' the reporter asked. Kukrit showed his hand in the direction of the Himalayas and said 'Overthere is the Himalaya; it does nothing and it is still there.' A person who makes no mistakes is obviously one who does nothing.

55. It is easy to do nothing but oppose; its when the opposition is in power that they will make mistakes. And they have in the states that they govern. But if one compiles a list of mistakes for a thousand years one will not want to leave another life. In order not to make mistakes one need to forever be in the opposition and thereby contribute to the nation by pointing out the mistakes either before or after they happens. The opposition will remain clean or bersih as they make no mistakes since they do nothing except oppose. They must however be factual and not oppose wrongly.

56. Following the steps of Mao Tse Tung, but not all the way, Malaysia should welcome all print and electronic media criticisms, from locals and foreign sources, for and against the establishment, as in the slogan 'Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom' during the China's Cultural Revolution. The non-Malays should also celebrate when the response come.

57. I can assure you that it will not be too long from now, as the temperature is building up, when the Malays will unite and respond vehemently to all the unfair criticisms against them whether deserving, undeserving, misunderstood or even committed during the period when the mentors of the critics were in office in the government.

58. The Malays were split during the colonial period into statehoods with their own British inspired state anthems, with different state flags calling themselves Kedahans, Kelantanese, Johoreans, Selangoreans and Perakeans etc.. They were further encouraged to think in terms of being of Aceh, Banjar, Boyan, Bugis, Jawa, Mandaeling and Minang origins, etc. After the second world war we did not habitually called ourselves as Malays anymore. It was for this reason, as one of the reasons, that the British were over confident, after winning WW II, to make Malaysia as their permanent territory as Australia and New Zealand, as Malayan Union.

59. The British could never imagine, as we are reluctant to imagine now, that the various separate and different Malay organisations will ever unite to oppose them. The Malays with turbans united with Malays wearing neckties and further united with Malays wearing the Malay dress. Malays who drink whiskey and brandys, those who pray five times a day, others who pray occassionally or when VIPs are attending any prayer, those who pray for friends's funerals without really knowing what to recite but just follow the physical rituals out of politeness, as the dead will not know or tell, those who pray only on Hari Raya days or even those who pray when they are sick or in financial problems.. All of us, united without caring for the differences, to face the challenge of being humiliated.  

60. We were again humiliated with the defeat of many Alliance and UMNO candidates during the 1969 election resulting in the 13th May inter-racial riots. It all started with the boastfull opposition party leaders and members marching to the Menteri Besar of Selangor's house doing insulting acts at the foot of the flagpost while yelling for the Malay leader to step down from their 'rightly won' place.
The Malays could not stand humiliation.

61. However, in the 2008 General Election the Malays were disillusioned with their majority party and leaders. The opposition were also polite in victory. The Malays, as before 1946, began to accept domination pre-1946 and defeat in 2008. The Malays were thingking the Islamic slogans and the 'justice' slogans were real when they were just slogans along the trail of ambition.

62. But this lull period is almost over.

63. If Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had stayed on to anticipate a better performance in the 13th General Election (as 13 is his lucky number), he would have been regarded as their saviour by members of the opposition. Unfortunatelly with the indirect intervention of Tun Dr. Mahathir he was made to see the impending disaster and therefore decided to leave. It is a fallacy to regard Tun Abdullah's departure as being voluntary.


64. The scenario is now different as Dato' Seri Najib Tun Abd. Razak has displaced Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

65. The present Parliament is actually Tun Abdullah's Parliament, and all the appointments made by Tun Abdullah could not be easily changed, and all unofficial conditions, arrangements and agreements between the two leaders, during the take-over period, if any or many, need to be respected. Despite the odds Dato' Seri Najib, within a short period,  has brought about substantial changes in improving the administrative governance and introducing new programmes, promises and hopes to the people. He is the Prime Minister and acting like one.

66. While a few transformational changes could be implemented now it would be Dato' Seri Najib's winnable candidates who will assist him in delivering the promises for the future.

67. To check on Dato' Sri Najib's advance, the opposition thinks that a new rally must be organised.


68. The lonely Ambiga is still there. As usual, the former Bersih 1 organisers, being still buoyant over their success in organising Bersih 1, could still boost their ego and, ever willing, plan a bigger rally. It was Bersih 2 and the following demands were made:

68.1. Clean up the electoral roll
68.2. Reform postal voting
68.3. Use of indelible ink
68.4. A minimum campaign period of 21 days
68.5. Free and fair access to mainstream media
68.6. Strengthen public institutions
68.7. Stop corruption
68.8. Stop dirty politics

69. The rally took place on 9th July, 2011 and the estimated turnout was between 10,000 to 20,000

70. Except for demand nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5, in red above, which are the same demands as Bersih 1 with only some changes in the wordings the following 4 demands are new:

68.4. A minimum campaign period of 21 days
68.6. Strengthen public institutions
68.7. Stop corruption, and
68.8. Stop dirty politics

71. Obviously Bersih 2 was not as successful as Bersih 1 as in Bersih 1 even the ruling government's political parties and the pro-government NGOs took part.

72. The demand for a minimum campaign period of 21 days (Demand No. 4) is irrelevant as everyone has started campaigning since the 12th General Election in 2008.

73. As far as public institutions are concerned they are already strong and the government has continuously been strengthening them since independence day on 31st August, 1957 (Demand No. 6).

74. Corruption has been a popular accusation against anybody in power as even the leader of the opposition was accused as such when he was in power, and are in the process of being investigated by MACC for a RM3 billion accounts somewhere. (Demand No. 7)

75. I just wonder whether the 8th demand is relevant because I have never heard of anyone saying that politics is not dirty. Even religion is used in dirty ways in politics.

76. There is however the way the authorities handle the rally that becaomes the focus of the demonstration.

77. All the above issues became insignificant or even irrelevant

During Bersih 2 the organisers requested that the rally be held in Stadium Merdeka. The government initially objected but suggested instead that they demonstrate in Bukit Jalil Stadium or the Selangor Football Stadium in Shah Alam.

78. As a busy-body I suggested that they do it in Kota Bharu which is the capital of the state which has been under PAS for many terms of elections.

79. Kelantan, a state under Pakatan Rakyat, was of course out of the question for the organisers. If held overthere it would not be a national event. It is inconvenient for members of the foreign media to be there. Selangor Stadium, also in Pakatan Rakyat state, appears to be too far to attract the crowd, Bukit Jalil would be too big a stadium and the organisers were afraid that if the Bukit Jalil Stadium is not as packed as during a football match, the rally would be regarded as a failure as lesser number of fans of political agitators would come to see their heroes and heroines clowning on the stage.

80. The Chief Minister of Penang remained silent as he knew that a demonstration in Penang will not attract either tourists or investors. The best excuse is of course there is not enough ferries and the bridge is too narrow to allow easy passage for the massive mainland demonstrators to come.

81. Initially the government rejected the use of Stadium Merdeka as it would cram the streets to get there. There was also the fear of a riot which could lead to the type of preventative arrests of agitators as during the 'Operasi Lalang' of 1987. Eventually the government relented and allowed the use of the Stadium Merdeka with all the conditions.

82. Being oppossition members they must therefore oppose the conditions.


83. While Bersih 1, with the involvement of pro and anti-government demonstrators, can be said to have helped the Pakatan Rakyat to have more seats in the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Undangan Negeri, Bersih 2 was considered a failure, with lesser crowd and the more impressive performance of the 6th Prime Minister Dato' Seri Najib; therefore a higher profile Bersih 3 was planned in the hope that it will lead to a better performance by the Parkatan Rakyat, particularly in the 13th General Election.

84. The 13th General Election is crucial to the leader of Pakatan Rakyat, but not to the Rakyat. Should he fail to grab the power in the coming election he would be too old, at almost 70 to face the 14th General Election. By then the son of Karpal, the son of Dato' Nik Aziz, the son of Lim Kit Siang, the daughter of Anwar will have to work harder to make Azmin be the next Prime Minister. Dato' Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak who was born on 23rd July, 1953 is today 59 years and 38 days old and Insya Allah would still be around for the 14th General Election.

85. Bersih 3 then must be planned to lead to the Arab Spring way of getting into power. Bersih 3 was held on 28th April, 2012 with about 80,000 to 100,000 turnouts estimated by independant pollsters and claimed to be 250,000 to 300,000 by the Bersih's leaders (as Stalin said).


86.The leaders of the three Bersihs demonstrations were:

86.1. Bersih 1 - Chairman 1 - Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan
                     Chairman 2 - Dato Bo Lam Pa

86.2. Bersih 2 - Chairman 1  - Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan
                     D/Chairman - SN Dato' A. Samad Said

86.3. Bersih 3 -  Mentor         - Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim
                      Chairman  1 - Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan
                      D/Chairman - SN Dato' A. Samad Said


87. Obviously the Preamble for the 1st Bersih rally, held on 10th November, 2006 was focussed on the 2008 election as it implied that the election will be rigged as is assumed to have been in the past, subsequent to Anwar being sacked from the cabinet. Only elections when Anwar was a member of UMNO and Barisan Nastional, and elections before his active involvement in partisan politics, were properly done and not rigged, according to his supporters. So great is the character.

88. The anticipated rigging of the 2008 General Election was however nullified by the BN's poor performance in that election.

89. Bersih 2 held on 9th July, 2011 was a failure.

90. Bersih 3 had just taken place on 28th April, 2012.


91. The glaring participation of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim with his student day's microphone, giving instructions to his beloved and astray Azmin, while rubbing the back of his nearby male supporter, is sure confirmation of his desperate attempt to become the Prime Minister by any other means. Winning the 4 state governments and the Federal Territory was not his idea of success.

92. As all the demands of Bersih 1, 2 and 3 can be thrown into the dustbin, as mere excuses to attract the attention of foreign countries to look down on Malaysia, except after the BN's leadership has been overthrown, any enthusiasm and support from the enemies of Malaysia, or friends of Anwar, is merely unprofitable investments.


93. The world should not imagine that Malaysia is like Tunisia, Eqypt, Libya or Yemen. In my earlier submission to this blog, entitled 'THOU SHALL NOT KILL' I have given a list of nations that some American thinkers thought should be invaded. They are: Iran, Syria, Sudan, Pakistan, North Korea, Venezuela and Uzbekistan. This invasion was meant to take place after the American war on Afghanistan and Iraq. However Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen were not even included in the list. Their's were the revolutions of the people and initially with no foreign initiation..

94. But Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen are different from Malaysia, from us.

95. Firstly, we are not all Arabs or majority Arabs.

96. We are Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazan, Iban and many other ethnic groups.

97. We are a nation with less than 60 % Muslims of different ethnicity.

98. Non Malays eithnic groups are effectively represented in politics, economy and society.

99. Furthermore, the 60% Muslim Malays are spilit into 5 political orientations:

99.1. Members of PAS and pro-PAS supporters,
99.2. Members of Parti Keadilan Rakyat and pro-PKR supporters,
99.3. Members of UMNO and pro-UMNO supporters
99.4. Football and sports fans and fans of TV idols and those who could not be bothered.
99.5. LGBTs, drug addicts and night clubbers with differing obsessions.

100. With these breakdowns and the split of Tamil Indians, Chinese, Sarawakians, Sabahans and the non-Tamil Indians; the breaddown of Muslims, Confucionists, Bhuddists, Hindus, Christians, animists and what else, there is no group which could be called politically dominant anymore.

101. We have no history of brutality to others except reacting when others are brutal to us. Our present DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agong, for example is No. 27 on the Kedah throne which has lasted for 876 years. The Kedah Sultanate is the longest reign of one family in the history of the world. There was no assassination, betrayal, displacement or chopping the heads on the block as in the British monarchy.

102. The Malays, just as the Chinese, Indians and others are good people. However, there are enough crooks and troublemakers among them to sometime damage their racial images and their inter-racial relationships.

103. The survival of the Malay Sultanate of Kedah to become the longest serving monarchy of 876 years from one family, while the monarchies in China and India do not exist anymore, is symbolic of the accommodating, tolerant, understanding, fair and honorable qualities of the good Malays.

104. According to the foreigners who know about the Malays and the local non-Malays who are not effected by the anti-Malay rhetorics, our Malay dominated civil service, the judiciary, the army and the police are examples of strong, respectable and efficient institutions. Of course there are exceptional charactors. Our economy is growing, our politics is stable and our effort at bridging the gap between the rich and the poor is continuing. We should continue to support Barisan National but support it sensibly and critically.

105. Borrowing from the title of the book by my friend the founder of Daewoo Corporation of South Korea, Mr. Kim Woo Chong, Malaysia, so long as we defend and strengthen our instituions, which have served us so well in the past, and we are not provoked to loose our senses, our 'STREETS ARE PAVED WITH GOLD.


Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen

The President of Tunisia Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was overthrown on 14th January, 2011 after ruling for 23 years. His people were frustrated with

The President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak was overthrown on 11th February, 2011

Kolonel Muammar Gadaffi was overthrown on 23rd August, 2011

The President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh was overthrown on 27th February, 2012

1. High unemployment
2. Food inflation
3. Corruption and Nepotism
4. Lack of freedom of speech
5. Lack of other political freedoms
6. Poor living conditions
7. Presidents stayed on undemocrativally or by guided democracy for too long.

The periods of their leadership were as follows:

1. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali  from 1987 - 2011  -   24 years

2. Hosni Mubarak                 from 1981 - 2011  -  30 years

3. Muammar Gadaffi             from 1977 - 2011  -  42 years

4. Ali Abdullah Saleh            from 1978  -  2012 -  34 years
Compare the years with our Parime Minister:

5. Dato' Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak  - from 3rd April, 2009 - 15th June, 2012
                                                                Only for just 3 years and 74 days so far.
What were these Arab leaders before they became Presidents?

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was a soldier

Hosni Mubarak was a soldier

Muammar Gadaffi was a soldier

Ali Abdullah Saleh was a soldier

Dato' Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak is an industrial economist from University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom..


  1. tiada bangkangan yang Ariffff....

  2. Salam .
    Saya ingin menmbuat komen kapada tulisan saudara berhubongan dengan Anwar Ibrahim.Banyak tulisan saudara yang sekarang dan lepas banyak menghengtam Anwar.Saya bukan peminatnya dan penyokong party politiknya tapi kita meseh mengekalkan talian saliturahim sabagai saorang Islam.Saya dan Sanusi kenal mulaintahun 1973 lagi samasa Sanusi maseh berkerja dengan CBank.Kawan kawan saya yang lain saperti Kamaruddin Md Noor,Ustaz Nawawi,,Ismail Mina,Osman Bakar,Ustaz Nakie dan Ustaz Fadhil Noor.

    Kenapa Saudara yang asalnya rapat dengan Anwar sejak dari MCKK dan University dan dalam UMNO masa Anwar mula menjadi ahli tahun 1981,menjadi musoh dan terus memburokkannya,tidak menegor sapa.Adakah ini sifat saorang Islam dan rakan baik.

    Saudara mengakui pernah menyokong Anwar samasa ia bertanding dengan Hj Suaimai untok jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO dan samasa ANwar bertanding dengan Ghafer Baba untok jawatan Timbalan Presiden saudara merupa kan satu satunya sahabatnya yang mennetangnya.Ingat pada masa ini soal moral dan sex Anwar belum timbul.
    Saya hanya boleh membuat kesimpulan kerana saudara cemburu kenaikan Anwar yang bagiktu mendadak dan ianya amat rapat denan Mahathir.

    Saudara ada menyatakan yang ramai kaannya meninggalkannya.Saperti Ibrahim Ali dan Izam.Kedua dua mereka meninggaklan Anwar adalah kerana factor ekonomi.Anwar sudah tidak dapat menawar peluang peniagaan kapada mereka lagi.Saudara Izam yang menjadi setpol Anwar tiba tiba bila berhenti dapat membuat rumahbyang besar di Shah Alam.Berapa kerat sangat gaji Setpol.
    Ismail Mina tidak memutuskan hubongan keluarga dengan Anwar mereka hanya berbeza pendapat,Ismail menudoh Anwar percaya pluarism dalam ugama.sunggoh pun mereka sudah bermuzakarah di rumahnya bersama dengan Prof Kamal UIA dan Osman Bakar,tapi Ismail maseh percaya pendirian Anwar yang leberal dari segi ugama Islam.


  3. Sekarang saya ingin mengupas soal Moral Anwar.Ia di tudoh sabaigai homo an penzina.Tudohan bermula samasa Dr Mahathir dan tudohan kedua dengan Saigul dan Dato K.

    Sama ada benar atau tidak itu antara dia dengan Allah.Jika benar dia perlu betaubat dan istifar.Ramai kawannya yang ragu ragu,ada juga yang percaya dan ada yang memileh untok tidak percaya.Satu yang jelas tidak ada kawannya yang memburokkankan nya didalam akhbar,ceramah,dan blog.Mereka menghormati hak sabagai orang Islam untok menjaga maruah orang Islam yang lain.Ini merupakan larangan yang bagitu keras dari AlQuran han Hadith .Ini bukan merukapan dosa Shrik yang meduakan Allah yang tidak boleh di ampun.
    Kenapa Saudara memileh untok terus memburokankan nya,tidak menegor sapa.Adakah saudara rela semua pahala kebajikan kita di pindah kapadanya saperti yang di nyatakan dalam Hadith.

    Saya maseh ingat Fadhil Noor pernah berkata didalam satu majelis usrah." Kita ini macam besi yang dindalam ayar,lama lama ia berkarat.jadi wajib bagi kita untok mencucinya setiap masa."Setiap kita mempunyai kelemahan dan selalu melakukan kesalahan.Jalan keluarnya bila kita sedar kesalahan kita,kita berhenti dan bertaubat.

    Musoh musoh Anwar tidak dapat menyerangnya dari segi corruption.Bila mereka dapati peluang untok menyerangnya dari segi moral,maka mereka betul betul mengunnakan isu ini.

    Sekarang mari kita analisa orang yang saudara sokong berseh dari segi moral.

    Dr Mahathir.Saudara mula menyerang moralnya di tahun 70 han kerana ia bersetongkol dengan Tengku Abdullah,Pengerusi MAYC menggunakan Wisma Belia sabagai saang pelacor.Saya dengan dai mulut saudara sendiri sewakt u saydara berceramah di Uni Malaya bersama Hassan Ibrahim dan Zainal Abidin Wahid.

  4. Bagaimana dengan pemimpin tertinggi UMNO lain.

    Musa Hitam yang juga saudara menyokong juga terlibat dengan perempuan.Jika tidak masakan isterinya Maria meninggalkannya.

    Tun Ghafar Baba yang saudara menyokong juga terlibat dengan perempuan.Semua iorang tahu ia mempunyai bileh khas di kelab Golf Rahman Putra.Penglibatannya dengan Haryati,wanita UMNo sabah yang akhirnya menjadi isterinya.Waktu itu Haryati maseh mempunyai suami.Semua orang tahu bagaimana Ghafar samasa menjadi Pengerusi Komplek Kewangan di kelilingi dengan ramai perempuan hampir setiap malam.

    Bagaimana pula dengan Najib PM Sekarang.Adakah ia berseh dari skandal perepuan.Bagaimana ia boleh di tangkap bersama sama dengan Zaina Zain di hotel di Por Dikson.Isa Samad salaku MB waktu itu menyelamatkannya..Megat junid salaku menteri Dalam Negeri mengocop passport Najib koninnya ia berada di Singapura waktu itu.
    Bagaimana hubongan Najib dengan Rosmah,isternya sekarang.Sawaktu ia terlibat dengan Rosmah ia maseh lagi belum bercerai dengan suaminya Aziz.

    Bagaimana hubongan Najib dengan perempuan cina Flora Ong,yang menjadi remiser di KN Kenanga,Semua orang tahu Najib memberi kapadanya sakeping tanah di Kajang milek MINDEF samasa Najib menjadi Menteri Pertahanan.Tan Sri Tan KimHock kawan baik Najib boleh cerita semua ini.

    Bukan tugas saya untok memburokkan pepimpin UMNO tadibdari segi moral,tapi jika Moral merupakan asas UMNO menyerang dan memburokan Anwar ,dia hanya jadi bahan tertawa orang melayu islam yang intellectual.Sebab itu PAS tidak memberi perhatian berat soal ini.
    Oleh itu jika saudara Sanusi maseh mahu menghentam Anwar dari segi moral dan memutus hubongan keluarga dengannya,sayabrasa ini satu keputusan yang tidak bijak sabagai oarng Islam.Sakurangnya jika kiita hendak kitik bialah sacaya sau sama satu dan bukan memalukan anak anaknya dan keluarga nya.

  5. Besambong.

    Bercakap mengenai Anwar dan politiknya.Saya tidak percaya ia mempunyai masaalah dengan pemimpin Melayu lain dan Pemimpin UMNO termasok Mahathir.Apa yang berlaku pemimpin UMNO ini memileh untok mengenepikan Anwar dan mencabar kemampuannya dari segi politik.

    Samasa Anwar dibebaskan dar penjara dan ia berada di Minich di Alpha Linik,saya pergi bertemu dengannya.Saya meminta supaya ia membubarkan Parti Keadilan demi unrok menjaga perpaduan orang Malyu.Dia bersetuju tetapi ia memberitahu saya yang ia tidak boleh memohon untok masok UMNO,mereka kena lah menjemputnya.Nampak elok.Massage ini di sampaikan kapada Pak Lah sabagai PM waktu itu.Malah waktu Pak Lah membuat harinterbuka di Kepala Batas,Anwar pergi menghaziri nya.

    Ada ura ura Pak Lah cuba hendak memasoki Anwar samula dalam UMNO.Beripa ini telah sampai ka pengtahuan Najib,Hishamuddin Ketua Pemuda UMNO dan Rafidah Ketua Wanita UMNO.Mereka dengan lantang menentangnya.Mereka berkata mereka tidak mahu penderharka dalam UMNO.Pintu untok Anwar memasoki UMNO tertutop.

    Apa yang harus Anwar lakukan jika ia mahu terus berpolitik.Terus menghidupkan party Keadilan Nya..Pada pilehan raya tahun 2008 Anwar memang tidak yakin yang mereka akan berjaya satelah partynya tidak berjaya di pilehan raya 1999 dan 2004,Merekantida mempunyai ang untok menenteng BN.Calun calun yang di pileh untok bertanding tidak dintapis dengan betul.Siapa yang henak bertanding dan sanggup untok membelanjakan wang sendiri untok bekempen,boleh menjadi calum.Jadi tidak hairan lah jika ramai dari mereka keluar party.

    Sekarang Anwar lebeh yakin,Ramai orang berani menyokongnya dengan teangbterang atau senyap.Ramai pegawai Kanan Kerajaan menyokongnya kerana mereka memeng tahu dan fedup dengan apa ang berlaku didalam keajaan.Corroption yang beluasa,salah guna kuasa dan wang Kerajaan.

    Bila Anwar berkata yang ia bagitu yakin dapat menawan Putra Jaya,ia nya bukan angan Mat Jenin tapi berdasarkan analisa intelligent yang ia juga memilekinya.

    Sebab itu tiba tiba Mahathir panic,ia mahu aktive samula berkempen untok Najib,Ia berhijrah ka johore,kedah, dan banyak lagi negeri yang ia akan pergi.

    Adakah orang Melyau akan terus menyokong BN dengan kempen yang di lakukan oleh Manathir.Semua orang Malayu tahu samasa ia menjadi PM bagaimana ia menjatokkan Tajuddin RAmli juga orang Kedah sabagaintokok kooperat Melayu.Bagaimana ia menjatohkan Tan Sri Halim Saad,orang yang banyak membantu UMNO menyelamatkan hanta hartanya yang terpaksa di lelong.
    Ia lebeh suka membantu Ananda Krisnan yang menjadi billionair di tangannya,YTL saorang kontrektok yang hampir bankrup sekarang asorang billionair,Tan Sri Vincent TAn,Lim Kim Yew ,Tan Sr Arumugam dan ramai lagi.
    Semua orang di dalam kerajaan tahu yang Mahathir akan berbuat apa sahaja untok membantu anaknya Mirzan dan Mokhzani.Malah punca mula hibongan Mahathir rengang dengan Anwar kerana kes Petronas hendak menyelamatkan perniagaan kapal Mirza.Anwar perkata kapada Mahathir,"You are lier dan corrupted"

    Sebab itu salepas itu Mahathir menyiakan sinirai siapa yang menjadi kroni siapa dalam perniagaan.


  6. Kesimpulan dari tulisan saya yang panjang ini ialah,

    Jika kita mahu perpaduan Malayu dan Islam kerana jika Melayu hilang kuasa uama kita juga akan terancam,hentikan lah kita menghentam seama sendiri.Biar kita dudok bermuzakarah dan mencai jalan keluar sabelum telambat.

    Bagaimana dengan PAS.percantuman UMNO dengan PAS merupakan satu idea yang baik tapi biarlah kita ikhlas.PAS yang mula bergabong dengan UMNO bila UMNO kalah terokndalam pilehan raya tahun 1969, telah di tipubdan terpedaya.Apabila UMNO suah kuar ia mengusir OAS dari BN dan menubohkan Party Berjasa untok melawan PAS.

    Nampak sangat yang peangai pemimpin UMNO dan Party UMNO memang tidak ikhlas dan mash lagi beranggapan merekanitu kuat.Sikap ini pelu di tukar dan UMNO perlu lah mengalah sadikit.

    Sekian.Jika Saudara Sanusi tidak bersetuju dengan tulisan saya,kita boleh berbeza pendapat tapi jangan putuskan hubongan kawan .

  7. Tan Sri Sanusi.

    Kita sabagai orang Islam perlu percaya kapada Qada dan Qadar.Semua yang berlaku kapada kira ,keluarga kita atau negara kita sudah terlulis dalam kitab di Luz Mahuz.
    daawat nya sudah kering.Sudah tidak boleh di pinda.Kiat hanya diajar berdoa dan berdoa.

    Apa yang berlaku di negara Arab,kapada Ghadafi dan hisni Mubarak dan apa yang akan berlaku kapad Najib dan UMNO semua nya sudah tertulis.Tidak payah kita hendak membuokkan orang Islam yang lain.mereka ini saudara kita.

    Kita sebayang setiap hari dan berdoan meminta Allah tujokan jalan yang lurus.Salepas sembayangkita tulis log menghentam saudara Islam kita dengan fitnah solah kta memandang rinan akan perentah Allah.

    Jika kita dengar ceramah Israk dan Miraj rasa ras macam tidak mahu tinggal tikar sembayang kerana takut besok kita akan mati.Bila kita bersalah denga Allah kerana tidak sembayang atau puasa,kita boleh bertaubat dan minta ampun.Bila kita bersalah dengan saudara Islam kita keran kita menjatohkan maruahnyabdan kelaurganya dengan fitnah,bagaiman..?,Dia macam hutang,jika orang yang kita berhuatang tidak sempat kita bayar dan iantidak maaf kan nya,roh kitabtidak akan sampai ka Alam Barzakah.terseksa lah Roh Roh kita.

    Jika kita meitnah saudara saudara kita,sangguopkah mati besok kita makan nanah dalam neraka Jahanam.

    Wallal walualam.

  8. Dear Tan Sri,
    While talking about Father’s Day with a particular doctor, he told me about his ideas on getting rid of the old folks home with a housing project meant for the old folks. This particular housing area would be equipped with the first-class facilities, shops, surau, temple, a mini cinema and not to forget a clinic where specialist doctors would come every now and then to check on the “residents”. The traditional old folks homes seem to be very unfriendly to the old-timers. With this new idea from this doctor, everybody would be more receptive to the idea of living on their own when they are old. I told about this idea to some colleagues of mine and they simply love the idea. Many say “Why not. We can see each other all the time and we can become neighbours. We can become creative senior citizens and hold programmes to contribute to the younger generation and the country”
    However, the problem is , these sorts of ideas will never take off simply because the present UMNO lacks the brains. I heard that this doctor is well-accepted by the community in his area and at one time being considered to stand for BN in the coming general elections. He was even approached by the Pakatan to be their candidate. Many wanted him to stand for BN. However, the state UMNO has given a stern warning “choose anybody outside UMNO and we are going to boycott.” You see, to UMNO office-bearers, the word ‘out-side UMNO’ means those people who are not holding any posts in the party. Many (civilized UMNO supporters) don’t challenge for posts because doing this will only weaken UMNO. And who do you think vote for UMNO or BN all these years? Those with posts? STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! What happens to the PM’s promise to put ‘winnable candidates’?
    And talking about supidity, I just can’t help myself to talk about those who cannot read what is in Aci Ambiga’s mind. Come on, let us be practical. She is fighting for justice? You got to be kidding. Why is she being selective, then? Ambiga will get what she wants – all the wrong recognition from those who want to see the country collapse. Anwar will get a shot at being the PM. Samad Said will get his books used as the literature component in schools when PR in power. And what do the demonstrators and rioters get?
    Like you said Tan Sri, being single with no family or children to take care of, she has all the time in the world to do all the wrong things to be recognised. And guys, stop your antics selling burgers or show your bums to her in front of her house. CAN”T YOU SEE WHAT SHE YEARNS FOR IS ACTUALLY YOUR SAUSAGES!
    Happy Father’s Day, Tan Sri.
    Cikgu Pakar.

  9. Tri Sri Sanusi.

    Apa yangbterjadi kapada Ghadaffi,Hosni Mubarak,Saddam Hussein,Bin Ladin semua ini sedah di tulis dalam Luz Mahfuz samasa ia dilahir di dunia.
    Percaya kapada Qada Qadar merupakan salah satu dari rukun Iman.

    Sebab iru dalam Islam,membunoh diri merupakan satu dosa yang besar.

    Jika percaya semua ini,tidak lah paya mengupat,mencerca dan memfitnah kita sesama Islam.

    Anwar boleh bercakap besar untok menawan Putra jaya,Pas boleh bercakap besar untok mennawan Putra Jaya dan Najib juga boleh berkempen kuat untok mengekalkan kuasanya.

    Akhirnya.ikita terpaksa juga percaya kapada takdir.Jika ini amalan kita,maka tidak lah ada Pemimpin yang boleh takbor,zalim dan rasuah.
    Dari Allah kita datang dan kapada Allah kita kembali.

  10. Setelah menulis panjang dan lebar,

    Azmi patut baca balik apa yg azmi tulis dan mungkin Azmi akan sedar sendiri hipokrasi dalam tulisan Azmi.

    Ini kerana Azmi telah memburokkan dan memfitnah pemimpin-pemimpin umno tanpa bukti

    Tetapi tersingung pula apabila kesalahan anwar ibrahim didedahkan bersama bukti

    Kemudian pula tidak segan menggunakan nama suci Islam untuk menegah fitnah yg baru saja azmi lakukan

    Memang setiap pemimpin ada kelemahan. tapi insyaallah mereka sedar dan masih mau bertaubat dan berubah

    Bukan macam anwar yg bukan saja tak mahu bertaubat
    malah mahu menghalalkan yg haram dengan memesongkan akidah orang lain,
    sanggup diperalat orang kafir dan munafiq dan
    sanggup menjual dan memburukkan agama, bangsa dan negara demi cita-cita dan kepentingan diri sendiri.

    Kerana itulah dia perlu ditentang habis-habisan dan kesalahannya didedahkan.

    Azmi patut ikhlas, sedar dan terbuka untuk menolak anwar. kalau tak sokong umno pun takpe carilah jalan lain. banyak lagi jalan utk beramal.

  11. Salam,
    Ketika saya tiba di Manchester untuk menyambung pelajaran saya di sana, saya telah ditegur ole seorang anak gadis berbangsa Melayu yang telah menamatkan pengajiannya tetapi enggan pulang ke tanahair dan terus berkerja di sana. Beliau kemudiannya mempelawa saya menaiki keretanya dan memperkenalkan bandaraya itu kepada saya. “Kenapa tidak mahu pulang ke Malaysia?”, tanya saya. Jawabnya “Mengapa mesti pulang? Saya suka di sini kerana apa yang saya hendak, ada di sini. Kebetulan European gay Festival sedang berlangsung sekarang. Jom I bawa u ke sana, nak?” Pelawaan seorang anak gadis yang jelita tidak dapat saya tolak.
    Ketika sampai di situ, saya melihat pelbagai ragam songsang manusia. Lelaki sesama lelaki dan perempuan sesama mereka sedang bercumbu mesra. Saya menjadi mual memerhati kelakuan mereka. Saya pernah juga secara tak sengaja ‘menonton’ adengan aksi ‘live’ sepasang lelaki yang tinggal betentangan bilik saya. Pernah juga saya terserempak dengan sepasang kekasih mengadakan hubungan seks di taman ketika sedang berjalan pulang selepas menghadiri kuliah. Ketika itu saya bersyukur kerana dilahirkan di bumi bertuah bernama Malaysia yang tidak mungkin akan muncul gejala sedemikian. BETAPA SILAPNYA SAYA.
    Apabila kita membicarakan soal moral Anwar Ibrahim, masyarakat perlu sedar bahawa kita bukan bercakap tentang penganiayaan terhadap seorang individu. Jika kita begitu taksub dengan Anwar, percayalah bahawa gejala seks songsang dan bebas akan beleluasa kerana sekarang inipun gejala ini telah menular di Malaysia. Secara logiknya, siaplah boleh menasihati Anwar yang sudah terpesong jauh itu?
    Yang menghairankan ialah dengan begitu banyak bukti termasuk DNA dan video seks, masih yang ada mempertikaikannya dan berkata Anwar teraniaya. Sebenarnya kitalah yang teraniaya dek perbuatan Anwar. Kita telah menjadi masyarakat yang begitu tolerant dengan salahlaku seks dan zina kerana kita masih mengangkat beliau. Sekarangpun ramai anak-anak Melayu yang mengadakan pesta seks secara beramai-ramai yang dirakam dan dimuat turun. Bayangkan anak gadis yang diperlakukan secara bergilir-gilir dengan kerelaan hatinya tanpa segan silu. Tempias pengaruh siapakah yang dibawa oleh mereka? Apabila Anwar dilepaskan untuk sekian kalinya, remaja bebas seks inipun akan melihat bahawa mereka juga berhak melakukannya.
    Jadi, salahkah Sanusi menjarakkan dirinya dengan Anwar kerana melihat malapetaka yang dibawa oleh Anwar ini? Selagi masyarakat melihat tentangan Sanusi terhadap Anwar merupakan sesuatu yang salah, maka kita juga bersubahat dengan mengizinkan salahlaku moral beliau menular di Malaysia.
    Mungkin kini tiada beza Malaysia dengan Britain kerana kita sama-sama meretui seks bebas.
    Memang elok Bapak Azmi menasihati anaknya itu.
    Cikgu Pakar

  12. Salam Tan Sri.

    Tulisan ini menarik, tajam dan bernas. Apatah lagi setelah melihat komen dari seseorang yang menamakan dirinya Azmi yang sanggup bertungkus lumus menghabiskan masanya di waktu malam untuk membela dan menyanjung Anwar, rakan dan hero yang sangat disayanginya sehingga dalam komen sebanyak 5 kali bermula pada pukul 10:08 PM dan terakhir pada 11:28 PM.

    Masukan blog Tan Sr kali ini telah membuat pecacai Anwar tak tenang duduk dan tak dapat tidur malam. Saya harap Tan Sri terus menulis dan mendedahlan perkara sebegini supaya ramai orang terbuka minda siapa sebenarnya jaguh seribu wajah kesayangan Azmi ini. Kalau melihat satu per satu komen Azmi kita akan nampak dia sendiri bercalaru dalam membela hero dia, malah kita akan dapati Azmi secara tidak sedar melakukan sesuatu yang bercanggah dengan apa yang cuba dia sampaikan.

    Azmi menulis ajaran ugama, sifat orang Islam yang baik, jaga maruah orang Islam yang lain, itu urusan dia dengan Allah untuk justifikasi tidak boleh sebut perkara yang Anwar buat. Pada masa yang sama pula Azmi terus dengan melulu menulis mengenai Musa Hitam, Tun Ghafar Baba dan Najib. Azmi siap tulis lagi kalau berbicara mengenai moral Anwar yang teruk bukan keputusan yang bijak sebagai seorang Islam. Saya nak tanya sikit sama Azmi, hang dok buat bende-bende yang hang tak nak orang lain sebut tu kira bijak ke? Munafik sungguh Azmi ini, cakap tak serupa bikin. Stail sebegini sudah lapuklah Azmi, budak-budakpun boleh jangka matlamat engkau ni. Kalau ada perkara tak elok pada hero dia tak boleh sebut kerana tak baik menurut ugama, tapi kalau Azmi sebut orang lain takpa.

    Suci dan mulia Anwar ni mengikut pandangan haprak Azmi. Azmi, kalau engkau nak guna pakai ugama, engkau kena pakai ugama secara kaffah, jangan selektif, bila kena hidung sendiri atau hero awak, keluar ayat dan hadith, bila untuk orang lain takda pula ayat dan hadith tu berlaku.

    Walhal ugama mengajarkan kita katakanlah yang benar walaupun ianya terasa pahit. Seronok jugak nak tengok macam mana Azmi nak spin hadith ini untuk menyokong hero dia.

    Bersambong sikit ....

  13. Azmi juga sebut pasal TSJ telah menyerang Dr. Mahathir suatu ketika dulu. Perkara ini saya rasa sudah diterangkan oleh TSJ, tapi tetap diguna pakai oleh Azmi. Tak apa, saya bercadang Azmi pikir elok-elok kenapa Dr. Mahathir boleh rapat dan tetap bersahabat dengan orang yang suatu ketika dulu menyerang beliau ? Azmi kena pikir kenapa Dr. Mahathir boleh mengetepikan Anwar walhal Dr. Mahathir sangat sayang kepada Anwar suatu ketika dulu. Tentu ada sebab yang membuat Dr. Mahathir berbuat sedemikian. Bagi saya sebab yang terutama adalah demi Malaysia, bukan kerana perkara lain yang sering diputar belit oleh pecacai Anwar. Tapi mereka tak dapat terima kerana mereka sudahpun berangan-angan nak buat macam-macam perkara bila hero mereka jadi PM. Ini adalah Qada dan Qadar seperti kata Osman yang komen pada June 18, 2012 12:11 AM. Mengikut logik Osman ini, pecacai Anwar kena terima apa yang berlaku pada Anwar adalah Qada dan Qadar, Anwar kena pecat dari UMNO itu Qada dan Qadar, Anwar tak dapat jadi PM itu Qada dan Qadar, semua sudah tertulis. Tak payahlah nak kelentong sana sini nak tawan Putrajaya 16 September konon, terima sajalah itu Qada dan Qadar. Tolong Osman kasih tahu dekat Anwar supaya ingat Qada dan Qadar bila nanti kalah dalam pilihanraya, jangan pula SPRM yang kena tuduh macam-macam perkara karut. Ingat, ini bukan saya kata, ini Osman katalah.

    Begitu juga mengenai perkara aib dan fitnah yang Azmi jadikan hujah membela Anwar. Bila Azizan dan Saiful kata kena liwat, Anwar balun pelacor Cina, Anwar yang mula perkenalkan rasuah beli undi semasa lawan dengan Tun Ghafar, pengakuan Abdul Murad mengenai akaun Anwar bernilai lebih RM 3 billion, semua ini adalah fitnah kalau ikut logik Azmi. Walhal bukti yang ada menunjukkan perkara tersebut berlaku. DNA Anwar ada dalam dubur Saiful, ada video tunjuk Anwar balun China Doll, hakim pun kata liwat berlaku tapi tak dapat tentukan bila perkara itu berlaku. Tapi kenapa semua bukti yang ada dianggap fitnah? Ini adalah lagu lama Anwar dan pengikut dia.

    Cukup di sini dulu komen saya, ada kerja yang mesti saya buat bukan macam Azmi dan cybertrooper yang tak ada kerja lain selain dok sanjung dan pertahankan hero dia yang pandai kelentong dan cakap tak serupa bikin.

  14. Kapada bapa Azmi,Melayu Belaka dan Che gu Pakar.

    Terima kaseh kerana sudi menjawab tulisan saya.

    Saya akui saya sahabat Anwar semasa dari University.Ismail Mina,Kamaruddin Md Noor,Osman Bakar semua kenalan kita.
    1-saya tidak berkata saya menyokongnyabdalam
    perjuangan politiknya dan saya bukan ahli mana mana party Politik.Dalam Islam ada benda yang di larang kita lakukan kerana dosa besar.Mithalnya saya memang tahu Anwar itu berzina dan homo.Dosa besar bagi saya jika yang menceritan rashia Anwar itu kapada orang lain.Ini di larang dalam ugama Islam.

    2- Soal Moral Anwar.Jika UMNO menggunakan soal moralnya untok menyerangnya,itu saolah ludah dilangit timpa di batang hidung sendiri.Saya memberi contoh bahawa pemimpin UMNO sendiri tidakndapat mempertahan kan soal moral mereka..Sabenarnya saya minta maaf atas kesalahan menulis mengenai skandal sex pemimpin UMNO yang saya nyatakan.Saya hanya ingin memberi contoh bukan membuat tudohan liar.Cerita itu telah menjadi pengetahuan umum terutamanya ahli ahli UMNO Veteran.Mereka tidak mengambil kisah kerana itu merupakan pekara lumrah dalam UMNO waktu itu.

    Jadi jika UMNO hendak menggunakan issue moral untok menyerang Anwar ia sudah di buat sejak tahun 1998,tetapi kenapa maseh amaimorang Melyu menyokongnya,Malah dalam pilehan raya Permatang Pauh issue itu digunakan dengan meluas tapi kesannya tiada.

    Soal pengakuan Murad dengan wang 3 billion.ini issue tahun 1998. Kenapa timbul samula.Soal Azmin di siasat oleh ACA dan di halangnoleh Anwar.Anwar di Charge oleh AG tahun 1998 tapi kenapa AG withdraw case itu.(sila baca buku riwayat Dato Shafie bekas ketua pengarah ACA )
    Kenapa kes kes ini di timbulkan,ini menunjokan UMNO sudah kehilangan ideal

    Berbeza dengan Pemimpin Pas dan Ulama mereka.Mereka tahu akan dosa mengumpat sebab itu mereka tidak pernah menimbulkan isu peribadi.mereka memperjuangan atas perinsip kezaliman kerajaan dan rasuah.Mat Sabu pernah di tudok berkhalawat di hotel Kelantan.UMNO menggunakan issue itu tapi kenapa ia menang bertanding jawatan Timbalan President Pas.

    Saya buka hendak mempertahankan Anwar tapi hendak menegakkan hukom Islam.Memang tidak dinafikan ada kawan kawan rapat Anwar menjauhkan diri dari Anwar kerana mereka tidak setuju agenda politiknya tapi bila di jemput kenduri Kawin anaknya mereka datang.Merekantidak pernah mengumpat soal peribadinya.Dalam Islam kita boleh terima perbezaan pendapat tetapi kita perlu jaga batas perdebatan itu.

    Saya hanya menegur Tan Sri Sanusi kerana saya kenal dia sejak tahun 70 han.dan saya rasa salah dari segi hukum Islam jika ia terus menyerang Anwar dari segi moral sebab itu diluar batas peradaban Islam.

    Soal sama ada Anwar bertaubat atau tidak itu antara dia dengan Allah.Siapa yang tidak takut masok Neraka.Zina merupakan dosa yang boleh di ampun.Hanya dosa Shiik yang tidak boleh di ampun.Jikalau budaya gay dan Lisbian yang berluasa di Malaysia hendak disalahkan Anwar,ini menunjokan orang UMNO berfikiran bagitu sempit.

    Saya tertarek dengan Mellayu Belaka dalam soal Qadar dan Qadar.Jika Anwar di bebaskan oleh Hakim dalam kes Saiful,kenapa orang UMNO marah kapada hakim .Kenapa marah kapada Solicitor General Yusof.Bukan kah itu pun Qadar dan Qadar.Kenapa oang UMNO tidak dapat meneika qada dan qadar yang tidak memehak kapada mereka.

    Saya juga hairan kenapa Mahathir tiba tiba takut senasib dengan Husni Mubarak dan ia tiba tiba aktive untok bekempen.Tentu ia tahu sesuatu ang kita tidak tahu.Tapi jika sudah di tulis dalam kitab Luz mahfuz,kita kena teima takdir Allah.

  15. Mengikut Imam Malik,Zina itu akan berlaku jika kemaluan lelaki masok dalam lubang faraz perempuan.Jika tidak masok maka ia bukan zina.

    Jadi jika bro Anwar tidak masokkan tidur dengan perempuan cina atau dengan Azizan dan Saiful tapi kemaluan tidak masok ia bukan zina.

    Jadi kita sabenarnya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi sabenarnya.jadi jangan lah kita membuat tudohan melulu.Membuat fitnah .Itu antara dia dengan Allah.

  16. Salam,
    Membaca komen Imam Shaari mengingatkan saya kepada Cikgu Shaari yang selalu tidur dalam cerita Masam Masam Manis P. Ramlee.
    Jika di tempat saya, Seharipun tak boleh jadi imam jika mempunyai pemikiran sebegini.
    Melayu dah ketinggalan jauh.

    Cikgu Pakar

  17. Salam,

    Amboi, bukan main Azmi dok pertahan Anwar. Lepas tu, dok kona sana sini kononnya dia ni bukan penyokong kuat Anwar. Walhal Azmi sendiri bagi tahu yang dia ni pi tengok hero dia kat klinik di Munich. Jantanlah sikit, kalau hang sokong Anwar pun takpa lah, tapi yang tak tahan hang dok putar belit tak nak mengaku plak. Jangan hipokrit ler.

    Azmi, betui ka hang ni kenal Tan Sri Sanusi. Saya ingat hang ni dok merapu je...

    Azmi, nak tanya sikit, hang dah nasihat Anwar ke supaya dia tak zina dan sodomi lagi? Boleh bagi tahu tak apa kata Anwar masa hang nasihat? Jawab Azmi jangan tak jawab noh

  18. Dear Tan Sri:

    I am Bakri Musa, classmate of Yusof Sidek and Ramli Ujang at Sixth Form MCKK. I am writing the class history of Sixth Form 61-62 and trying to contact as many of my former classmates as possible. Do you have any contacts?

    You mentioned about Shamlin. I remember Yusof and Ramli talking to me about it. I read about your article on Shamlin recently. What is the status of that company?

    Can you also tell me of the circumstances of Yusof's death? What year was it? I last met him in 1969 after he graduated and while still a houseman. He lived next door to my uncle in PJ.

    Appreciate it if you can fill me the info.

    Sallam, Bakri

  19. oops! Forgot my email:

  20. Putting ourselves in thebshoes of others momentarily in order to try to understand them batter before commenting or acting against them is vary important.

    Many people condem other without trying to see where they are coming from or why they have acted in aspecific way or said something.

    If we are sincere,we will understand one another batter and possibly reduce much unwanted skepticism,hatred and enmity.

    It can also give us the opportunity to come close and discuss matters to be able to assist one another who mutually benefical or in ares of common interest.

  21. Kenapa Anwarnm,melancarkan buki Dr Siddiq Fadhil yang dikata telah meniggalkan Anwar.Dr Siedk Baba pun ada,Islmail Mina pun ada,Osman Bakar pun ada,Kamaruddin Md Noor pun ada,Kamruddin Jaafar pun ada,Annuar Jaafar pun ada.

  22. Tan Sri,

    Membaca tulisan Tan Sri bagaikan berada di dunia baru bagi saya. Terpesona dengan idea dan buah fikiran yg di lontarkan. Tan Sri tak bercadang untuk menulis buku bagi kami orang2 muda mendapat sedikit pembelajaran dari pengalaman hidup Tan sri?

  23. Azmi , anda sungguh membosankan. maaf

  24. kesimpulan dari Azmi sebab apa melayu tak bersatu:
    1. anwar xbersama UMNO.
    2. bmusuh politik smp putus kwn

    Ezam berenti sebab ekonomi?
    xdela die bsusah payah jumpa khairy menghadap pak lah nk lepaskn mantan bos..
    yg azmi tau kisah kt alpha klinik je.
    segala usaha org disekeliling die sblm tu xnk kire?
    ko jmp die kt klinik alpha sana,dlm penjara ko amek tau?
    geng2 reformis die masuk isa anak bini mlarat ko tau?
    sudah lah azmi..
    tulisan panjang lebar ko penuh auta

  25. Tan Sri, kita baru saja bertemu di Malaysia Hall Jakarta sebentar tadi. Cadangan saya supaya Tan Sri dapat membukukan entri blog menjadi AUTOBIOGRAFI ini moga dapat kiranya Tan Sri pertimbangkan. Saya orang pertama nak beli. Terima Kasih.

    Rudy LM.
    AP, Jakarta Indonesia.

  26. Bravo Sdr. Azmi....biarlah org2 UMNO ni buka mata sikit.Bayangkan bila Anwar jadi PM nanti, ketakutan yang amat sangatlah org2 seperti Mahathir, Musa Hassan,Ghani Patail, Najib dan ramai lagi he..he.

    Ada juga yang sangat cemburu...

  27. Salam, kita kena terima perbezaan pendapat si sini. Takkanlah semuanya penyokong UMNO yang di alhir hayat tu saja yang nak komen di sini.

  28. 8. Jika orang bertanya kepada saya di manakah puncanya penyakit 'bersih' ini, maka jawapannya ialah 'Kerana Orang Tidak Takut, Segan dan Hormat' lagi pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu.

