Saturday, June 9, 2012



Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh


Good Day.

Dear Readers,

As a Malaysian or resident of Malaysia you might have missed reading the article in the STAR of Saturday 2nd June, 2012, on our King, and if you are in a foreign country you might have missed reading it from the electronic media.
I therefore present the article below with an additional information at the bottom in order that you will be able to see the picture in a wider perspective.
While most nations like Russia, China and India do not any more have their kings and emperors, or their monarchs, in their states and nations, Malaysia, though a comparatively small country can be proud of having an exemplary monarch whose family has been on the throne for a period of 876 years.
While some states and nations have monarchs for a long period of time but they are from different royal families.
The Kedah royal household has however remained in tact since 1136 and should the lineage go back to the earlier Hindu period this same royal household has been there for more than 1,500 years. 

Despite most royal households, in most states and nations worldwide, have been displaced or changed by act of conspiracies, during the colonial period, the Kedah royal household has remained unaffected.
While troubles do come to Kedah by attacks from neighbouring states, invasion and colonialism by foreign countries the Kedah royal household was able to stay on diplomatically and patiently without sacrificing its sovereignty.

There was no record of assassination and turbulance in family relationships, at least, if any, is not known to the people.
The monarchs of Kedah was neither agressive nor ambitious in trying to expand its territories.. In fact it was a Kedah prince, as Prime Minister of Malaysia, who expelled Singapore from Malaysia, and not Singapore quitting Malaysia, when it was a source of inter-racial problems. To the Kedah prince Singapore was probably unnecessarily coopted, by colonial design, to be part of Malaysia.
The Kedah monarchy is therefore a symbol of dignity, peace and unity which are prerequisites for the development of a multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-lingual and multicultural Malaysia.

This factor must always be told to the younger generation and be reminded to the forgetful elders, especially to those republican minded democrats who are seen to be building their form of monarchies in their various political parties, that they lead, but at the same time claim to be republicans or socialists.

Tuanku’s long ancestral lineage
The Kedah Royal House is one of the oldest in the world.
THE current Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah, who ascended the throne succeeding Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin of Terengganu last year, belongs to one of the oldest royal houses in the world.
The Kedah Sultanate is believed to be the longest unbroken royal lineage in the world.
Former Kedah Mentri Besar Tan Sri Sanusi Junid said the history of the Sultanate stretches over 876 years.
Sanusi, who is well-versed in the history of Kedah, said the royal lineage could be traced to Merong Mahawangsa, who established the kingdom in the fourth century, long before the Kedah Sultanate was established in 1136 when the ninth Maharaja, Phra Ong Mahawangsa, embraced Islam and ruled as Sultan Mudzafar Shah (1136-1179).
Sanusi said there is no other dynasty or existing reigning monarch in the world that could boast such a long ancestral link dating back many centuries.
The 14th Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the 27th Sultan of Kedah (since 1958).
Sanusi reiterated that the Kedah royal lineage was much longer than the British, Japanese and Thai monarchies. Although United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth II is among the longest serving monarchs in the world (60 years), the kings of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland that ruled the kingdom over a period stretching 1,255 years were not from the same royal family tree.
Japan was ruled by nine different royal families; among them were Kofun, Asuka, Nara, Heian, Kamakura, the Northern Court group, Muromachi and Azuchi-Momoyama.
The current ruler is from the Edo family that has reigned for 409 years from 1603 AD, said Sanusi.
Various dynasties had ruled Siam under the Kingdom of Sukhotai, Kingdom of Ayutthaya, the Kingdom of Thonburi, and the Kingdom of Rattanakosin.
Tuanku Abdul Halim was installed as the 14th Yang di-Pertuan Agong on April 11.
The installation ceremony, attended by eminent guests, took place at the Balairong Seri or Throne Hall of the national palace, with Tuanku Abdul Halim taking his Oath of Installation, marking the formal commencement of his tenure as the Supreme Head of the Federation.
Some 900 guests, including the Malay Rulers and their consorts, the Yang di-Pertua's Negeri, the Prime Minister as well as cabinet ministers and foreign diplomats, witnessed the ceremony which was telecast live by Radio Televisyen Malaysia.
Born on Nov 28, 1927, at Istana Anak Bukit in Alor Star, Tuanku Abdul Halim is the son of Almarhum Sultan Badlishah and Almarhum Tunku Sofiah.
His early education began at Sekolah Melayu Alor Merah and Sekolah Melayu Titi Gajah before he furthered his studies at Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid from 1946 until 1949.
He was described by his teachers as an exemplary student, articulate and humble despite being the next in line to the throne.
Tuanku Abdul Halim continued his studies at Wadham College, Oxford, and obtained a Diploma in Public Administration and Social Science.

Sultans of Kedah:
1) Sultan Mudzafar Shah I (1136-1179)
2) Sultan Mu'adzam Shah (1179-1201)
3) Sultan Muhammad Shah (1201-1236)
4) Sultan Mudzaffar Shah II (1236-1280)
5) Sultan Mahmud Shah I (1280-1321)
6) Sultan Ibrahim Shah (1321-1373)
7) Sultan Sulaiman Shah I (1373-1422
8) Sultan Ataullah Muhammad Shah I (1422-1472)
9) Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zainal Adilin I (1472-1506)
10) Sultan Mahmud Shah II (1506-1546)
11) Sultan Mudzaffar Shah III (1546-1602)
12) Sultan Sulaiman Shah II (1602-1625)
13) Sultan Rijaluddin Muhammad Shah (1625-1651)
14) Sultan Muhyiddin Mansur Shah (1651-1661)
15) Sultan Dziaddin Mukarram Shah (1661-1687)
16) Sultan Ataullah Muhammad Shah II (1687-1698)
17) Sultan Abdullah Mu'adzam Shah (1698-1706)
18) Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Shah I (1706-1709)
19) Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zainal Adilin II (1710-1778)
20) Sultan Abdullah Mukarram Shah (1778-1797)
21) Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Shah II (1797-1843)
22) Sultan Zainal Rashid Al-Mu'adzam Shah I (1843-1854)
23) Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah (1854-1879)
24) Sultan Zainal Rashid Mu'adzam Shah II (1879-1881)
25) Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah (1881-1943)
26) Sultan Badlishah (1943-1958)
27) Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah (1958-present).

2nd June, 2012


In addition to the above write up it is interesting to note the list in of the longest reigning monarch in history are:

1. Sultan Mohd Jiwa Zainal Abidin II of Kedah      -     68 years     -      1710 - 1778

2. King Bumiphol of Thailand                                  -     66 years     -      1946 - .........

3. Queen Victoria of England                                     -   64 years     -       1837 - 1901

4. Sultan Abdul Hamid of Kedah                               -  62 years      -      1881 - 1943

5. Queen Elizabeth II of England                               -   60 years      -      1952 -  .........

6. King James VI of Scotland                                     -   58 years      -     1567 - 1625     

7.i. Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah of Kedah    -  56 years      -      1956 -  ..........

7.ii. Ruler of Wales Gruffydd ap Cynan                      -  56 years      -     1081 - 1137

7.iii. Henry II of England                                             -  56 years      -     1216 - 1272

7.iv. Sultan Mudzaffar Shah III of Kedah                   -  56 years      -     1546 - 1602

Four rulers have ruled for 56 years.

Of the 3 living monarchs among the 10 oldest reigns in history are:

1. King Bummiphol of Thailand                                     -   66 years       -     1946 - ...........

2. Queen Elizabeth II of England                                     -  60 years       -     1952 - ............

3. Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah of Kedah           -  56 years        -    1956 - .............


It was most unfortunate that the Roman Emperor like Constantine caused the split in the Christian world with the Nicene Creed, King Henry VIII of England separated the English and the Roman Churches because of his marriages and King Phillip IV of France, with the support of the Pope Clement V, burnt slowly at the scaffold the leader of the Knights Templar Jacques de Molay, in order to confiscate the Templars' wealth, resulting in a movement by the off-shoots of the Templars to eradicate the monarchies of the world beginning with the French Revolution.

These are examples of how power (Constantine), sex (Henry VIII) and wealth (Phillip VI) have been the determining source of upheavals in all parts of the world.

May Allah save our beloved country - MALAYSIA.


  1. I think Sultan Bugis and Palembang the oldest Sultan in history.Next come Sultan Hamakobuyonoof Surabaya.

    Sultan Kedah ancestor came from Raja Bersiong and Raja Bersiong came from Kerala India.

  2. John westwood.

    You sepatut tanya dalam salahsilah Sultan Kedah,darimana datangnya Raja Bersiong dalam sejarah Kesultanan Kedah.Bagaimana pula dengan Raja Marong Maha
    Wangsa.Adakah dia dai India atau Siam.?

  3. Tan Sri should updated the list below. I don't think Sultan Mohd Jiwa is in there yet, but both Sultan Abdulh Halim and Sultan Abdul hamid are there. Anyway 3 form the same line more any other and one of few surviving lines.

    Thanks for the great article and the lessons to learn from the monarchs.

    Sorry John none of which you named are on the list, closest might be the late Pakubuwono XII of Surakarta and Pakualam VII of Pakualaman both of whom had only nominal reign in later part of their lives after indonesia turned republic.

  4. There is no such titles as "Queen of England" as England is not an independent country.
    Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth had/have the title Queen of the United Kingdom.
