Friday, February 17, 2012


Dear Tan Sri Sanusi,
I hope this note finds you well.
As I briefly mentioned in my recent telephone text message to you, I am currently the Senior Regional Correspondent for The Straits Times of Singapore and cover political and economic developments in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
I have long been researching the regional Islamic groups and recently completed an article on the tenth anniversary of the discovery of Jemaah Islamiyah and the changing face of militancy in the region.
As you may be aware, the Indonesian security agencies have embarked on a campaign to combat the spread of hard-line radicalisation among the Muslims in the country and these efforts include the publication of critically researched books and reports on jihadism in Indonesia.
A recently published book entitled NII Sampai JI, Salafy Jihadisme di Indonesia by Solahudin, who is widely regarded in Indonesia as a foremost expert, draws many links to Malaysia.
The book has also been acclaimed by Indonesian experts as the most definite work on the militant Islam in Indonesia and the region.
Apart from how Abu Bakar Bashyir and Abdullah Sungkar established Malaysia as their base to sow the seeds of the grouping that would become Jemmah Islamiyah, the book also refers to your links with several leaders of the Islamic movement in Indonesia.

On the subject of the preparation of Jihad in Sumatra, author Solahudin refers to an operation in the mid-1970s by leaders such as Gaos Taufik to seek the supply of weapons and financial aid from Libya.
According to the narrative in NII Sampai JI, sometime in July 1975 Gaos Taufik wrote the outline of a letter that was later translated into Arabic by university lecturer and then brought to Aceh for it to be signed by Teungku Daud Beureueh.
The book also states that Teungku Daud had separately made arrangements with two of his trusted associates in Malaysia to lobby the Libyan Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Your name and Hasan Tiro are listed as the two associates.
In September 1975, Rifa’i Ahmad, a leader of the Islamic movement, left for Malaysia and met with you. Author Solahudin also identifies you as the person with close ties with Dauh Beureueh because of your marriage to his granddaughter.
The author states that in the meeting with Rifa’i, you listed several conditions that needed to be fulfilled in order to secure the support from Libya. Among them was a proposal that the Indonesian group carry out strike operations against “kantor-kantor Pertamina and pipa-pipa minyak Pertamina.”
Solahudin also states that you had told Rifa’i Ahmad that there was an offer from Libya to train five cadres of his grouping for various districts.
According to Solahudin’s narrative, several days later Teungku Daud Beureueh arrived in Malaysia to meet with representatives from the Libyan Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
The outcome of that meeting, Solahudin states, was discussed at length during a meeting in Majid Benggali Islam in Penang and was attended by Teungku Dauh, Rifa’i Ahmad, Hassan Tiro and yourself.
The author states that during the meeting you had said that the request for US$12.5 million in financial aid from Libya could not be granted because there was no unrest in Indonesia to warrant such a large contribution.
As you can see, the allegations against you are serious and I would appreciate your comments on this for an article that I am preparing.
I look forward to your responses.
Yours truly,

Leslie Lopez
Senior Regional Correspondent
The Straits Times
Mobile: +6012-2780097

Dear Leslie.


1. Thank you for contacting me on the above matter. I must apologise for taking too long to reply as I was waiting for a copy of Solahudin's book to arrive from Jakarta. As I have had no response from Jakarta so far, I will reply with the assumption that all that you wrote are not misquoted in any way.
2. I must say that the contents of Solahudin's book can only be considered serious if there is any truth in what he had written. It is certainly a sensational piece writing.
3. It is quite natural for a reader of any piece of writing to consider everything bad said about others are true and the untruth is only realised when something bad is said about you which you know is not true or inaccurate.
4. Having been in politics for a long time, I am immune to such fiction and quite used to slanderous statements.


5. I am also not surprised with the acclaim attributed to this book by Indonesian experts as it must be this type of experts who give wrong advices to their bosses resulting in a worsening situation all over the Muslim world.


6. Of all the names mentioned in your letter I am related to two of them and they are (1) Teungku Muhammad Daoed Beureu-Eh to whose granddaughter I am married and (2) Teungku Hasan Muhammad Di Tiro who is my uncle as my grandmother Cut Manyak is the daughter of Teungku Tjhik Di Lambada who is the son of Teungku Tjhik Di Tiro. For these relationships, of which I am very proud of, I have no apology to offer.


7. The following names are known to me through my reading of the newspapers. They are (1) Abu Bakar Basyir who is unknown only to the deaf and dumb in Malaysia and Indonesia and (2) Abdullah Sungkar whose name I have heard when I was the Deputy Minister of the Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs.
8. I have never heard of the names (1) Solahudin the author of 'NII Sampai JI', Salafy Jihadisme di Indonesia, (2) Gaos Taufik, (3) Rifa'i Ahmad and (4) Majid Benggali Islam in Penang.
9. As to the Presidents, Ministers, Generals and politicians who are familiar or related to me in Indonesia they can be accessed in the writings in my blog under the following headings:
(i) War Criminal Conference dated 26th October, 2009, on why I was not involved in the Gerakan Aceh Merdeka,
(ii) Kembalinya Seorang Presiden dated 3rd January, 2010, upon the death of Gus Dur,
(iii) Terima Kasih Tun Ghazali Shafie dated 3rd February, 2010, which included the hijacking of the Garuda Airlines,
(iv) Om Bus Dalam Kenangan on Minister Bustanil Ariffin dated 23rd February, 2011,
(v) IPMI Convocation Speech on Leadership and Motivation dated 21st March, 2011,
(vi) The 2nd Aceh Development Internatioal Conference dated 28th March, 2011,
(vii) Tun Dr. Mahathir Dalam Majlis Ramah Mesra Dengan Tokoh-Tokoh Aceh Nusantara,
        dated 20th May, 2011
(viii) Profesor Riset Mentertawakan Demonstrasi 'Bersih' dated 19th July, 2011,
(ix) Kematian Yang Bermakna dated 9th January, 2012 and
(x) Ulangtahun Ke 41 Mendirikan Rumah Tangga dated 14th February, 2012.
10. I would recommend that Solahudin read the above writings in my blog should he intend to implicate me in his future writings.


11. The following events, as it appeared (inclusive of wrong spellings), were also attributed to me in the book:
a)      '... Teungku Daud had separately made arrangements with two of his trusted associates in Malaysia to lobby the Libyan Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Your name and Hasan Tiro are listed as the two associates.'
b)      'In September, 1975, Rifa'i Ahmad, a leader of the Islamic movement, left for Malaysia and met with you.'
c)      ' ....... in the meeting with Rifa'i, you listed several conditions that needed to be fulfilled in order to secure the support from Libya. Among them was a proposal that the Indonesian group carry out strike operations against "Kantor-kantor Pertamina and pipa-pipa minyak Pertamina.' 
d)     ' ....... you told Rifa'i Ahmad that there was an offer from Libya to train five cadres of his grouping for various districts.'
e)      ' ... Teungku Daud Beureueh arrived in Malaysia to meet with representatives from the Libyan Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.'
f)       'The outcome of that meeting ..... was ..... a meeting in (with) Majid Benggali Islam Penang and was attended by Teungku Dauh (Daud), Rifa'i Ahmad, Hassan Tiro and yourself.' There are misspellings in this sentence.
g)      ' .... during the meeting you had said that the request for US$12.5 million in financial aid from Libya could not be granted because there was no unrest in Indonesia to warrant such a large contribution.'
12) As I am aware of all the places visited by Teungku Muhammad Daoed Beureu-Eh whenever he was in Malaysia it appears that all the above 7 events are fictions invented by the author to glamourise his book.
13) I met the Libyan ambassador, H. E. Ali (he might be the one who was the Libyan Ambassador to the United Nations who defected from Gaddafi during the recent Libyan upheaval),  twice, during the functions organized either by ABIM (Malaysian Muslim Youth Organisation) or PKPIM (Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar-pelajar Islam Malaaysia). We just greeted one another and never discussed anything serious.
14) I did not meet with any Libyan in this country or overseas either together or separately with Teungku Hasan Muhammad Di Tiro.
15) I have never met with Bakar Basyir, Abdullah Sungkar, Ghaos Taufik or Rifa’i Ahmad in Malaysia, Indonesia or anywhere in the world.
16) I don’t think that Teungku Hasan Muhammad Di Tiro will entertain any idea at destroying the Pertamina facilities, in Sumatera, as he had the intention of taking over the Pertamina’s operation to finance the development of Aceh should they achieve independence.

17) When Ibnu Sutowo was the President Director of Pertamina and Julius Tahiya was the head of Caltex in Indonesia they had an insurance company called Tugu Asuransi. This insurance insured the oil fleet which in turn was reinsured with Reliance Minet in Hong Kong. I was at that time employed by The Chartered Bank in Kuala Lumpur.
18) I was one day invited by The Chartered Bank’s customer in Hong Kong, Reliance Minet, to visit Hong Kong. When I arrived I was told by the executive from Reliance Minet, who waited for me at the airport, that Ibu Sutowo, The Presiden Director of Pertamina, needed my opinion on certain financial matters.
i) From Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport I was taken by car to Mandarin Hotel in front of Connaught Center where Ibnu Sutowo and Julius Tahija had their office. On visiting the branch office of Pertamina in Hong Kong I saw that the same office was used as the office of Tugu Insurance in Hong Kong.
ii) Pak Ibnu Sutowo told me of his problems and that through one of Professor Schiller's student in Jakarta, who was ten years my senior in Hamburg and working with Bank Indonesia my name was recommended to look into the financial problems that Bapak Ibnu Sutowo was facing.
iii) In short the solution to the problems resulted in Pak Ibnu retiring from Pertamina and was rewarded with the ownership of the Hilton Hotel and the Pacific Bank in Jakarta.
iv) On my part, as I was working with The Chartered Bank, I did not accept any payment for the services but instead requested Bapak Ibnu Sutowo and Julius Tahija to invest in an insurance venture in Malaysia, 30% of whose shares should be equally shared between MAYC and Shamelin Cooperative. The result was the formation of Tugu Insurance in Malaysia.
v) As Shamelin needed some cash to start the Taman Shamelin Perkasa  project in Cheras and MAYC needed some money to build an extension to Wisma Belia named Wisma Tunku in honour of the founding father of Malaysia, the shares of Tugu Insurance was sold, and its name changed first to Tugu Eagle Insurance and later became Arab Malaysia Insurance.
19) It is therefore ridiculous for me to destroy Pertamina instutions anywhere in the world.
20) I do not believe that the Libyans, or anyone, would ever donate US$12.5 million to Aceh. Should there be such donations then the Acehnese would not have been arrested by the Malaysian authorities for drug trafficking to finance their war.
21) I am aware of the Libyans training about 700 Acehnese in preparation for the war in Aceh. It was confirmed by a few Acehnese whom I met at the Istana behind Sultan’s Mosque in Singapore where they were in transit on their way to Tripoli via Karachi. I met them accidentally when my wife, an architect, was appointed by the late Tengku Aziz, who was the descendent of the old Sultanate of Singapore, to be the consultant for the renovation of the place. The project did not take off.

22) Not knowing who I and my wife were they were proud to tell us their purpose of travelling to Tripoli via Singapore. They travelled with valid passports and entered and left Malaysia legally. I knew they were Acehnese as they spoke the language which they did know I and my wife understood.
23) I have no doubt that other Malaysians were in touch with the Libyans, the famous one being Ibrahim Libya. I left ABIM in late 1973 and have never met any Libyan from that time on.  I was shocked when I was informed by my Minister Tun Ghazali Shafie that my former organization was getting financial support from the Libyans.
24) I was further shocked when I was informed that Osama Bin Laden, when he was still close with the American, launched a prawn farm project (Samak) in my parliamentary constituency and employed a graduate school teacher, who challenged me, but lost, as the head in the UMNO Jerlun Langkawi divisional election. This teacher was paid an exhorbitant salary for a job he was not trained to do.
25) I was not involved in the Aceh war and that was the reason that I was not invited for the ceremony to install the previous governor of Aceh although my friend, whom I introduced to my uncle Teungku Hasan Muhammad Di Tiro, was given a red carpet reception at the ceremony. I am happy for him for good reason.
26) I am therefore not surprised or shocked with the contents of Solahudin’s book.


27) Whatever one says about GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka - The Aceh Independence Movement) it is certainly not a terrorist organisation. Teungku Hasan Muhammad Di Tiro and the organisation he led, GAM, were secular in nature and they would certainly not damage their reputation by getting involved with Jemaah Islamiah.
28) Thank you Leslie for letting me know of the existence of the book and I hope that Solahudin will, by now, be sufficiently rewarded for such an unholy effort. I pray to Allah s.w.t. that Solahudin be forgiven.
29) I believe you will not mind if I print our communication in my future blog entry.

Sanusi bin Junid
Kuala Lumpur
17th February, 2012


  1. Salam Pak Sanusi.

    I read Solahuddin book.I think he speak the truth.Impossible he will write a distorted story.Masjid Bengali is in Leith Stree,Penang,behind famous Kasmir Restoran.
    When I met you in 1975,you talk about Acheh Revolution and you also talk about Libya is helping them?.

    Ibnu Sutowo resign from Pertima because of mismanagement.I dont think they give him Hilton jakarta.During Megawati as Indonesian President,they took back the hotel from his family and change it to Sultan Hotel.

    If you are not involve with Acheh Revolution,why you are a [personna non grata in Indonesia in the 70.They only lift the order after you become a Minister.

    If Hassan di Tiro your uncle not involve in Acheh Revolution why he have to live in Sweden as political asslyum.Only when Gus Dur become the President,they try to make peace with him.Gus Dur send Murad the head of Islamic Group(MILF) in Philipine to met him in Sweden.I have a copy of the latter wrote by Gus Dur to Hassan di Tiro given to Murad to be deliver to him.Murad is still around and he can confirm this.

    Gus Dur effort was not succesful because the Indonesian Army is not with him.They still want to elimanate Hassan and his GAM.

    This is not fiction by truth.

  2. Salam Pak Sanusi
    Dalam ingatan saya yang sudah agak pudar, saya rasa apa yang dinyatakan oleh Pak Robert Watcho bahawa Tan Sri ada sedikit sebanyak terlibat dengan perjuangan ada kabenaran.Kalau tak silap saya Tan Sri pernah memberitahu bahawa pernah diadakan perjumpaan di rumah saudara di Jalan Batai, Damansara Heights dengan beberapa pejuang Acheh sewaktu Tan Sri maseh bujang dan berkhidmat di Std Chartered Bank awal tahun 1970.Perjuangan Acheh adalah perjuangan kemerdekaan. Bukan millitant yang bertopengkan Islam saperti ditomahkan didalam buku Solahudin itu.Tan Sri sapatutnya berbagga dengan pengilbatan didalam sejarah Acheh. Acheh boleh kembalikan semula keaggungan tammaddun Islam silamnya.


  3. Salam Pak Sanusi,
    Your cawardly posture seems odd. I am sorry I have to say that . It is extremely difficult to believe that a born an bred Achinese patriot has no part in the Achinese revolution. The Achinese struggle was for a just cause. Of course it was totally wrong to place the Achinese struggle in the same light as the JI.

  4. Salam Pak Sanusi,

    Kami adalah peminat Pak Sanusi yang mahu Pak Sanusi menulis terus segala pengalaman dan pendapat Bapak samaada betul atau tidak, menyakiti atau menyenangkan, bagi orang lain.

    Banyak yang sudah kami pelajari dari blog Pak Sanusi.

    Kepada Pak Robert Warcho dan Pak Baiman.

    Dalam perenggan (9) masukan blog Pak Sanusi pada kali ini jelas beliau mencadangkan supaya mereka yang ingin tahu pandangannya dalam hubungannya dengan Indonesia supaya membaca 10 masukannya dalam blognya ini.

    Jelas sekali bapak berdua tidak mempunyai waktu atau kesempatan untuk membacanya ataupun sudah membaca tetapi tidak faham dengan yang sudah dibaca.

    Pak Robert Wacho menyatakan:

    a)‘I think he speaks the truth’ maksudnya penulis Solahuddin menulis yang benar.

    b)‘Mesjid Bengali is in Leith Street, Penang, behind famous Kasmir Restoran’.

    c)‘You talk about Aceh Revolution and you also talk about Libya is helping them.’

    d)‘If you are not involve with Aceh Revolution, why you are a persona non grata in Indonesia in the 70. They only lift the order after you become a Minister’.

    e)‘If Hassan di Tiro your uncle not involve in Aceh Revolution why he have to live in Sweden as political asylum.’

    f)‘I have a copy of the letter wrote by Gus Dur to Hassan di Tiro given to Murad to be deliver to him. Murad is still around and he can confirm this.

    g)‘I don’t think they give him (Ibnu Sutowo) Hilton Jakarta. During Megawati’s as Indonesian President, they took back the hotel from his family …..’

    As to Solahuddin speaking the truth, as in (a) above, please refer to paragraph 3 of Pak Sanusi’s reply to Leslie Lopez which reads:

    3. It is quite natural for a reader of any piece of writing to consider everything bad said about others are true and the untruth is only realized when something bad is said about you which you know is not true or inaccurate.

    We do hope that Pak Robert is not the source of Solahuddin’s inaccuracies as that would lead Pak Robert to be among ‘ …. experts who give wrong advices to their bosses resulting in a worsening situation all over the Muslim world.

    As to (b), above, Solahuddin wrote about Majid Benggali Islam Penang and not Masjid Benggali. If it is Masjid Benggali then ‘Islam should not be an adjective’ as all Bangladeshi’s are Muslims. Bengali in Malaysia is a name wrongly given to the Punjabis who are not Muslims but Sikhs. We have however heard of Masjid Pakistan but it is in Macalister Road in front of Mandarin Hotel. Is this confusion to Bangladesh being part of Pakistan when the mosque was built?

    There was no denial of © by Pak Sanusi and that he was certainly aware of the Aceh Revolution and the help of Libya in training the Aceh warriors.

    As far as we know there could not be a persona non grata indictment on Pak Sanusi in the 70s, as in (d) above, since Pak Sanusi was entering Indonesia in the early 70s and even had a grand wedding in Jakarta in 1971 as in one of the subjects posted in this blog on Pak Sanusi’s 41 wedding anniversary. In the profile of Pak Sanusi in this blog you can see that he only became Deputy Minister in 1978 and between his wedding day in January, 1971 he had been going to and pro Indonesia during the period without any difficulty. When was the persona non grate declared exactly?

    In (e) above was obviously unkind to Pak Sanusi by saying that Teungku Hasan Di Tiro was not involved in the revolution when everybody knows that he was the leader of the revolution.

    Whether you have kept or lost Gus Dur’s letter to Teungku Hasan Di Tiro, as in (f) above, is of no significance as Gus Dur did write many letters in his lifetime.

    There is a contradiction in your statement on Ibnu Sutowo, as in (g) above, being given the Hilton Hotel. How could Megawati took it back from his family if the Hilton was not theirs. It became theirs when Ibnu Sutowo was forced to resign LONG AFTER the mismanagement was discovered. Could the LONG PERIOD be necessary before the transfer of the assets to Ibnu Sutowo?

  5. As to Pak Baiman’s insistence that ‘Tan Sri ada sedikit sebanyak terlibat dengan perjuangan ada kebenaran. Kalau tak silap saya Tan Sri pernah memberitahu bahawa pernah diadakan perjumpaan di rumah saudara di Jalan Batai, Damansara Heights dengan beberapa pejuang Aceh sewaktu Tan Sri maseh bujang dan berkhidmat di Std. Chartered Bank awal tahun 1970.

    Jika Pak Baiman membaca kesemua 10 entry Pak Sanusi dalam blognya, sebagaimana yang dicadangkan olehnya, dalam perenggan 9 jawapannya kepada Leslie Lopez ternyata Pak Sanusi berhenti dari Chartered Bank sebelum bank itu bertukar nama menjadi Std. Chartered Bank. Kisah pertukaran nama ini juga ada Pak Sanusi tulis dalam blognya mengenai ‘entrepreneurship’. Pak Sanusi menjadi Anggota Parlimen Malaysia dan sekaligus mengekalkan jawatan Eksekutif Kanan The Chartered Bank antara 1974 hingga 1978. Di akhir tahun 1978 baru Pak Sanusi masuk cabinet.

    Sebagai keponakan Teungku Hasan Di Tiro dan cucu menantu Teungku Muhammad Daoed Beureu-Eh sudah tentu Pak Sanusi menginsafi penderitaan rakyat Aceh yang sumber buminya disalahuruskan oleh Jakarta dan tidak menguntungkan Aceh.

    Itulah sebabnya GAM memperjuangkan kemerdekaan sebagai jalan keluar dari ketidakadilan itu. Pak Sanusi dalam pidatonya tidak pernah menafikan ketidakadilan ini.

    Pak Sanusi tentu simpati dengan perjuangan GAM walaupun Pak Sanusi berpendapat bahawa Aceh tidak bersedia untuk berperang. Dalam semua pertemuan dengan Pak Sanusi penekanan diberi kepada ugama, ekonomi, kesihatan dan pendidikan untuk rakyat Aceh, samada Aceh itu mendapat kemerdekaan atau otonomi. Pak Sanusi tidak pernah menyetujui pertumpahan darah antara sesama Islam. Ini hanya akan menggembirakan yang bukan Islam seperti Pak Robert Watcho.

    As to the comment on Pak Sanusi not being courageous, despite being born and bred as Acehnese, as to be involved in the revolution Anonymous of 21-02-2012 has to know that Pak Sanusi is very clear on the difference between courage and stupidity.

    Pak Sanusi is knowledgeable enough on the difference between a ‘Jihad’ and just a war for freedom from exploitation. If GAM had declared their war as religious, which some GAM members in Aceh earlier believed as such, Pak Sanusi might have been part of it. A war for freedom could be a ‘Jihad’ for freedom from exploitation. The Acehnese ulama would have wholeheartedly supported the war for the element of ‘stupidy, courage and cowardice’ is lost in a ‘Jihad’ for the reward need not be worldly freedom. The deaths from such war would have produced many martyrs.

    Since a religious war for freedom is limited to Aceh itself becoming an Islamic nation that war need not be confused with the activities of the other organizations as the JI.

    We are aware that as an Acehnese Pak Sanusi did not and does not approve of the exploitation of Acehnese resources, and the brutality caused on the Acehnese by the central government and the TNI respectively, it was beyond his means, as a Malaysian Acehnese to be involved in an uprising. He probably guessed the outcome and it turned out to be right. He would not have made the difference.

    As a Malaysian Pak Sanusi might have the courage to subscribe to an Islamic State of Indonesia, with justice for all, and Aceh remaining in it, as decided by PUSA when Aceh rejected the Dutch colonia¬list plot to split the Malay Muslim world beginning with Aceh being given its independence.

    As far as Pak Sanusi is concerned the Acehnese revolution has just begun as it had ended when the war began. That revolution is to prepare each Acehnese to be a global personality, with excellence in the field of education and economy.

    This is the revolution which is needed by the Malaysian Bumiputeras and the Pribumis of Indonesian. This revolution need not shed blood, but toil and tears.

  6. alam Pak Sanusi,

    Maaf sedikit kesilapan.Memang benar lah saperti Tuan nyatakan.Chartered Bank belum ditukar nama kapada Standard Chartered pada tahun 1970.

    Saya pernah menjadi pelanggan Chartered Bank. Pak Sanusi sendiri yang membantu mebuka akaun saya di cawangan Bank tersebut yang bertempat di Jalan Raja, Kuala Lumpur. Waktu itu beliau berkhidmat di cawangan itu sebagai Sub-Acountant. Saya kerap juga berulang ka Bank tersebut untuk berurusan dan selalu juga disapa dan berceloteh dengan beliu.Kalau dengan pelanggan India beliau tidak melepas peluang untuk mengasah bahasa Tamil yang dikuasainya nya.Begitulah dengan pelanggan yang boleh berbahasa Jerman atau Perancis.

    Saya pun hairan juga bagaimana, dengan suasana Bank yang agak begitu sebok, beliau sentisa mempunyii agak banyak masa lapang untuk melayan pelanggan dengan berbagai kerenah termasok kadang kala berceloteh dengan mereka.Pernah beliu memberitahu rahsianya. Rupa2nya beliu ini saorang yang berkerja sangat keras.Beliu akan kembali kapejabat waktu malam hari membereskan tugasnya untuk besok hari.Dengan cara itu siang hari besoknya beliu mempunyaii masa lapang untuk melayan,bermesra dan bercoloteh dengan pelanggan.

    Memanglah ingatan saya sudah agak pudar. Berkaitan dengan kenyataaan perjumpaan di Jalan Batai Dalam tersebut pengesahan daripada Pak Sanusi sendiri dilau2kan.Waktu itu yang saya tahu Dr. Ramli Ujang, sahabat beliau dari MCKK adalah saorang penyewa bilek di rumah milek beliu di Jalan Batai tersebut.Mungkin DR Ramli dapat membantu.


  7. Salam Pak Sanusi,
    Maaf kenyataan saya di atas, yang banyak degan kesilapan ejaan, sabenarnya adalah jawapan kapada Sdr Penganalisa Esbi.
