Campaign of
lies, deception
New Straits Times, 27 May 2013, page 14.
is a need to pause for thought and for Malaysia this is one of those moments.
The question to
reflect on is: why is there a portion of the population, small but voluble,
insistent on disrupting the peace? In a country of full employment where menial
jobs are done by foreigners and the major cities are much like those of the
First World, one would have thought that common sense alone is guarantee enough
against subversive elements. When rank manipulation is successful and thousands
come out to be persuaded with blatant lies, the rest of the population is left
bemused. What manner of discontent is it that fuels the protests? Or, is this a
classic case of idle minds being the devil's playground?
It is easy to
imagine the latter situation being exploited by influential individuals, deemed
charismatic when, in fact, are mere chameleons, out to fulfil dastardly agendas
dangerous in their means and foul in their ends. To, in the first place, go on
calling their protest campaign "Blackout 505", referring to the
alleged blackout at some counting station on election day, when there is no
proof of it ever having happened is one such lie obviously meant to mislead.
Tenaga Nasional has denied that there were any blackouts that night and the
constituency supposed to have experienced it, too, has said the same. This is
mere propaganda.
Then there is
the abysmal intention of confusing the people by harping on the popular votes
garnered by the three parties of the opposition. Indeed there were more voting
for the three parties together than there were voting for Barisan Nasional
(BN). But the electoral system of this country is all about winning the seats
through the first-past-the-post system where a simple majority suffices and
those wishing to oust the elected BN government know this full well. And, why
is it, where they have benefited from the system they have not protested their
Propaganda is
useless when it is not disseminated far and wide. In this respect, too, the PKR
de facto head is no less relentless. The Red Bean Army, a band of so-called
cyber troopers and a creature of DAP, is at his disposal to spread
disinformation on social media. Absolute lies are not put to bed even when
proven to be so because the Red Beans keep them going. Yet, is all this not in
character for a man whom the former vice-president of Indonesia, Yusuf Kalla,
accuses of glibly having broken a solemn promise he brokered?
Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Dalam sekitar masakini sebuah barisan kabinet akan dilantik oleh Perdana Menteri. Sudah tentu perlantikan ini dibuat atas berbagai perhetongan dan berlandaskan pendapat ramai penasihat. Media masa juga turut memainkan peranan. Ejen-ejan risek negara asing juga pasti tidak mahu ketinggalan.
Yang membimbangkan ialah antara penasihat itu pasti ada yang menjadi penyebab kepada Tsunami PRU 13 dan juga Tsunami PRU 12. Apatahlagi jita penyebab-penyebab kedua Tsunami itu mencapai kemenangan. Bukan kerana winnable candidate tetapi kerana winnable constituency atau kawasan yang ditandingi mereka itu selamat.
Ada tiga kata-kata dari pemikir-pemikir yang saya sudah lupa namanya. Kita panggillah mereka 'anonymous yang bijaksana'. Kata mereka:
1. 'The world is spoilt not by the wickedness of the bad but by the weaknesss of the good'. Lebih-kurang maksudnya 'Angkara yang menimpa dunia bukanlah kerena kejahatan orang yang tidak baik tetapi kerana kelemahan orang yang baik'.
2. 'The journey to hell is full of good intentions' atau 'Perjalanan ke neraka itu diiringi oleh niat yang baik-baik'.
3. 'Lies would have travelled half-way around the world before truth puts its boots on' yang bererti 'Pembohongan sudah berjalan hampir setengah pusingan dunia sebelum kebenaran memakai kasut'.
Prestasi BN pimpinan UMNO dalam PRU 13 ialah yang terburuk dalam sejarah. Yang salah bukan DAP yang saya dapati sangat konsisten dalam perjuangan mereka. Kalau mereka tidak sofan atau kurang ajar itu bukanlah satu penyakit yang baru didengar atau diketahui.
Oleh kerana pemimpin itu, kecuali diktator, selalunya mempunyai penasihat-penasihat, maka sudah tentu penasihat yang menyebabkan prestasi buruk PRU 12 jika digabungkan dengan penasihat yang menyebabkan prestasi buruk PRU 13 akan menyebabkan punca kehancuran bangsa Melayu di masa akan datang.
Pelajarilah pergolakan yang berlaku sehingga tarikh-tarikh berikut boleh menjadi bahan renungan: 1897 + 18 = 1915 + 18 = 1933 + 18 = 1951 + 18 = 1969 + 18 = 1987 + 18 = 2005 + 18 = 2023.
Dari 222 kerusi terdapat 135 kerusi yang 60% pengundinya terdiri dari orang Melayu dan Bumiputera; 47 kerusi yang antara 40% ke 60 % pengundinya terdiri dari orang Melayu dan Bumiputera dan hanya 40 kerusi yang pengundi dari kalangan orang Melayu dan Bumiputera di bawah 40%.
Tidak ada jalan bagi DAP untuk memerintah jika Melayu bersatu.
Jika penasihat-penasihat yang menyebabkan Tsunami PRU 12 dan PRU 13, walau pun mereka menang dalam PRU, dilantik ke dalam kabinet maka BANGSA MELAYU PERLU CARI JALAN LAIN KE SYURGA.